June 3, 2020
Story by Joe Vinduska

Barton Community College has brought back the face-to-face version of its popular “Enrollment Days” sessions to prepare incoming students for the upcoming school year. Each date is currently limited to 15 students and sanitizing, and safety guidelines will be followed. Students will be given a mask if requested and are only allowed to bring one guest with them. Students can call (620) 792-9286 or visit enroll.bartonccc.edu to sign up. Students can also still sign up for a virtual session as well. The schedule is as follows:

June 3, 2020

To the Barton family,

We are met with yet another catalyst for change as real and serious as a global pandemic. The death of George Floyd and the resulting protests, which highlight our society’s systemic social injustice issues, demand our nation to denounce silence as a viable response. 

Barton Community College offers a Veteran Services Office at the Great Bend campus and the Fort Riley campus.

Fort Riley & Fort Leavenworth LSEC and CP courses
Jenny Payne
VA Certifying Official
211 Custer Avenue, Room 211 (Main Post)
(785) 785-6606 ext 713

Barton provides two School Certifying Officials (SCO) to assist Barton students with their VA educational benefits. SCO's must abide by the federal laws that dictate the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.  Your School Certifying Official is responsible to ensure the following:

Reporting Enrollment Status: Report enrollment, withdrawals, changes in degree program, unsatisfactory progress, academic warning and dismissals, and the monitoring of courses to ensure students are enrolled in courses needed for their current degree program.

Barton School Certifying Officials (SCO) needs assistance to ensure the most accurate and timely information is sent to the Dept. of Veterans Affairs-on the student's behalf.  The following student responsibilities  are required of each VA student using benefits for courses taken at Barton.

Students visiting Barton to take classes to transfer back to their home school are required to submit the following documentation:

KanVet logo

Barton Community College supports our veterans and veterans' family members in applying for and managing their VA Education Benefits/GI Bill®. (GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at hwww.benefits.va.gov/gibill.)

June 2, 2020
Story by Joe Vinduska

Barton Community College’s Center for Adult Education will soon begin its nine-week GED Preparation Class. Orientation classes are required and are the first step to obtaining the Kansas State High School Diploma through the GED Prep Program. Barton added the session to help area residents affected by the closing of the Pawnee County Learning Center, but the session is open to anyone.