Wall of reference materials in Library

Research Guides

Refer to the Glossary for definitions of common terms, browse public domain materials, search the Library databases by subject, or consult with a subject specialist librarian. 


The glossary definitions are provided by the Association of College and Research Libraries unless otherwise noted.

Abstract: A summary or brief description of the content of another longer work. An abstract is often provided along with the citation to a work.

Academic Freedom: The freedom of a teacher or researcher in higher education to investigate and discuss the issues in his or her academic field, and to teach or publish findings without interference from political figures, boards of trustees, donors, or other entities. Academic freedom also protects the right of a faculty member to speak freely when participating in institutional governance, as well as to speak freely as a citizen (Definition from the American Association of University Professors).

Academic Integrity: Scholarship based on honesty, trust, respect, responsibility, fairness, and courage. (Definition from Barton Community College Procedure 2502—Academic Integrity.)

Annotation: A note accompanying an entry in a bibliography, reading list, or catalog intended to describe, explain, or evaluate the reference publication. (Definition from the American Library Association Glossary of Library and Information Science, 4th Edition)

Archives: 1) A space which houses historical or public records. 2) The historical or public records themselves, which are generally non-circulating materials such as collections of personal papers, rare books, ephemera, etc.

Article: A brief work—generally between 1 and 35 pages in length—on a topic. Often published as part of a journal, magazine, or newspaper.

Bibliography: A list containing citations to the resources used in writing a research paper or other document. See also Reference.

Boolean operator: A word—such as AND, OR, or NOT—that commands a computer to combine search terms. Helps to narrow (AND, NOT) or broaden (OR) searches.

Citation: A reference to a book, magazine or journal articles or other work containing all the information necessary to identify and locate that work. A citation to a book includes its author’s name, title, publisher and place of publication, and date of publication.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): It is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by the publisher to a digital object.

Index: 1) A list of names or topics—usually found at the end of a publication—that directs you to the pages where those name or topics are discussed within the publication. 2) A printed or electronic publication that provides references to periodical articles or books by their subject, author, or other search terms.

Inter-library services/loan: A service that allows you to borrow materials from other libraries through your own library.

Journal: A publication, issued on a regular basis, which contains scholarly research published as articles, papers, research reports, or technical reports. See also Periodical.

Keyword: A significant or memorable word or term in the title, abstract, or text of an information resource that indicates its subject and is often used as a search term.

Magazine: A publication, issued on a regular basis, containing articles, written and illustrated in a less technical manner than the articles found in a journal. See also Periodical.

Newspaper: A publication containing information about varied topics that are pertinent to general information, a geographic area, or a specific subject matter (i.e. business, culture, education). Often published daily. See also Periodical.

Open Access (OA): The free, immediate, online availability of research articles combined with the rights to use those articles fully in the digital environment. (Definition from Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition).

Open Educational Resources (OERs): Teaching, learning, and research materials that are either (a) in the public domain or (b) licensed in a manner that provides everyone with free and perpetual permission to engage in the 5R activities (Retain, Reuse, Remix, Revise, Redistribute). (Definition from Creative Commons).

Peer-reviewed journal: Peer review is a process by which editors have experts in a field review books or articles submitted for publication by the experts’ peers. Peer review helps to ensure the quality of an information source. A peer-reviewed journal is also a refereed journal or scholarly journal.

Periodical: An information source published in multiple parts at regular intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, biannually). Journals, magazines, and newspapers are all periodicals. See also Serial.

Plagiarism: The use of outside sources without proper citations or documentation, including: 1) the submission of another’s ideas or work while giving the impression that it was one’s work; or 2) neglecting to add source information documentation, either accidentally or intentionally. (Definition from Barton Community College Procedure 2502—Academic Integrity.)

Primary source: An original record of events, such as a diary, a newspaper article, a public record, or scientific documentation.

Public Domain: Works not protected by copyright, or for which copyright has expired, which may be printed for distribution and sale, quoted, excerpted, reproduced, and made available online to the public without infringement. (Definition from Joan M. Reitz, Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science).

Refereed journal: See Peer-reviewed journal.

Reference: 1) A service that helps people find information. 2) Sometimes “reference” refers to reference collections, such as encyclopedias, indexes, handbooks, directories, etc. 3) A citation to a work is also known as a reference.

Scholarly journal: See Peer-reviewed journal.

Secondary sources: Material such as books and journal articles that analyze primary sources. Secondary sources usually provide evaluation or interpretation of data or evidence found in original research or documents such as historical manuscripts or memoirs.

Serial: Publications such as journals, magazines, and newspapers that are generally published multiple times per years, month or week. Serials usually have number volumes and issues.

Special collection: 1) A cohesive collection of non-circulating research materials held together by provenance or by a thematic focus. 2) An institution or an administrative unit of a library responsible for managing materials outside the general library collection, including books, archives, manuscripts, maps, oral history interviews, and ephemera. (Definition from the Society of American Archivists).

Style manual: An information source providing guidelines for people who are writing research papers. A style manual outlines specific formats for arranging research papers and citing the sources that are used in writing the paper.

Thesaurus: 1) A compilation of terms showing synonymous, hierarchical, and other relationships and dependencies, the function of which is to provide a standardized, controlled vocabulary for information storage and retrieval. 2) A lexicon, especially of synonyms and antonyms in classified order. (Definition from the American Library Association Glossary of Library and Information Science, 4th Edition).

General Inquiry
General Inquiry

Academic Freedom

1915 Declaration of Principles (American Association of University Professors)

1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure (American Association of University Professors)

Academic Freedom (American Library Association)

Academic Freedom (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression)

Academic Freedom (Free Speech Center, Middle Tennessee State University)

Academic Freedom (PEN America)

Academic Freedom Alliance

Academic Freedom Index (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Institute of Political Science)

Advancing Academic Freedom (American Association of University Professors)

The Kalven Report (University of Chicago)

Career Guidance

InfoBase/Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center

Provides multimedia resources to assess career goals and interests, make education plans, learn workplace skills, become familiar with financial aid, locate apprenticeships and internships, and conduct school and job searches.

Job & Career Accelerator

Provides resources to assess skills and interests, explore occupations, locate colleges and scholarships, build resumes and cover letters, search for jobs and internships, and prepare for interviews. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.


Associates Programs Source (EBSCOhost)

Contains nearly 1,000 full-text journals as well as 11 full-text books and provides comprehensive coverage of subjects such as alcohol & drug abuse counseling, audiology, computer & data processing, CAD, cosmetology, electrical technology, forensics, graphic arts, health information technology, law enforcement & criminal justice, and paralegal studies. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1890-present; full text 1985-present.

eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology. Reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Education Abstracts (H. W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale Genealogy Connect

Contains over 580 full-text eBooks covering genealogy data and reference materials on genealogy research. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1835-present.

Gale Presents: National Geographic Virtual Library

Provides access to digitized content from National Geographic Magazine. This title explores topics in the areas of science, history, technology, the environment, and cultures. Coverage: Full text 1888-present.

Gale Primary Sources: Smithsonian Collections Online

Provides digitized content from Air and Space Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine. These titles explore topics in aviation and space, including the evolving modes of flight, and the areas of interest reflected in the Smithsonian Institution’s collections. Full-text scans available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1970-present.

InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Health Reference Center

Provides access to thousands of journal articles and essays, 10,000 video clips, and 3,000 color illustrations on key areas of health, including children’s health, men’s health, senior health, teen health, and women’s health, and on more than 950 types of disease and disorder.

InfoBase Issues & Controversaries

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.

Free Speech and the First Amendment

Academic Freedom Alliance

American Civil Liberties Union

Amnesty International

The First Amendment (FindLaw)

First Amendment Center (Freedom Forum Institute)

First Amendment Coalition

First Amendment Foundation

First Amendment Lawyers Association

First Amendment Project

Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE)

Freedom Forum

Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition (National Constitution Center)

Free Expression Network

The Free Speech Center (Middle Tennessee State University)

Institute for Free Speech

National Coalition Against Censorship

National Freedom of Information Coalition

Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression ["Chicago Principles"] (University of Chicago)

Kansas Universities

Emporia State University

Fort Hays State University

Kansas State University

Pittsburg State University

University of Kansas

Washburn University

Wichita State University

Leisure Reading and Entertainment

AudioShelf: A Podcast for Audiobookworms

AudioShelf is a weekly book review Podcast and YouTube channel for lovers of all things literature! Your hosts, Brad and Britney, will discuss many different topics ranging from audiobook reviews, narrator & author interviews, and general industry topics. The episodes are enthusiastic, candid, and above all else, honest.

Casefile True Crime Podcast

Casefile is an award-winning true-crime podcast that presents unforgettable stories in a professionally produced audio format. What started in 2016 as a one-person side project has grown to include an entire team based across multiple continents ... Episodes delve deep into the circumstances, investigations and trials of both solved and unsolved cases from all over the world. Casefile has hundreds of millions of downloads and consistently ranks highly across podcasting charts. Discover why everyone from Rolling Stone to Time magazine is calling it a must-listen experience.


CrimeReads is a culture website for people who believe suspense is the essence of storytelling, questions are as important as answers, and nothing beats the thrill of a good book. It’s a single, trusted source where readers can find the best writing from the worlds of crime, mystery, and thrillers—a literary culture that’s more robust than ever, but diffuse.

Digital Book eLending 

The State Library of Kansas works with Kansas libraries to provide digital library books for all residents, which includes downloadable audiobooks and eBooks. Most require a Kansas Library eCard for use. Contact a Barton Library staff member to receive an eCard.

The Endless Knot

A YouTube and podcast series about etymological explorations and cultural connections. Aven & Mark discuss history, literature, language, and cocktails, and the sometimes surprising connections between them all.

Fantastic Fiction

A resource that finds bestselling fiction authors, books, and series in order.

The Great Books

The thinking podcaster's podcast from highbrow American magazine The National Review. Author, journalist and academic Professor John J. Miller is joined by an array of esteemed literary experts to dive deep into literature's greatest classics, from the work of Evelyn Waugh, Herman Melville and James Joyce to Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, and more.

HathiTrust Digital Library

Provides access to a collection of over 17 million books and journals digitized from libraries around the world. Subjects are typical of any academic and research library. Items in the public domain, which accounts for more than a third of the collection, can be viewed in full by all users, and items held in copyright are full-text searchable. Full text available in PDF. Coverage: 1500-present.

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) and at King's College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, "without any gaps." The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well as the lesser-known figures of the tradition.

InfoBase Feature Films for Education

Offers hundreds of full-length feature films for educational instructional purposes that focus on both current and hard-to-find titles, including Academy Award® winners, animation studies, blockbusters, classics, dramas, environmental titles, foreign films, literary adaptations, science fiction, social issues, and westerns.

Internet Archive

Provides free, public access to 40 million books and texts, 15 million audio recordings, 12 million videos, 4.8 million images, and 1.1 million software programs, as well as 866 billion archived web pages via the Wayback Machine. Downloadable full text is available to any user for content in the public domain while copyrighted eBooks can be borrowed by registered users. Coverage: Varies by format.

Literature and History Podcast

With millions of downloads, hundreds of hours of soundtracked content, and an overall emphasis on the cultural history behind famous works of literature, Literature and History is one of the most popular independent podcasts on its subject. Starting with Sumerian cuneiform in 3,100 BCE, Literature and History moves foward in chronological order through Assyriology, Egyptology, the Old Testament, Ancient Greece and Rome, and the birth of Christianity. The show's current season is on Late Antiquity (or 200-700 CE) and the dawn of the Middle Ages.

NoveList Plus

Provides a comprehensive readers' advisory resource for print fiction and nonfiction, and audiobooks, and includes recommendations, reviews, articles, and lists.

Stuff You Should Know

If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

TED Talks Daily

Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable -- from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between -- given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new.


InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.


Provides access to over 12,000 local, national, and international news sources, including newspapers, newswires, newsletters, news magazines, blogs, journals, transcripts from news programs, video, and web-only sources.  Languages include English, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: 1900-present.

Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1,196 U.S. and international newspapers and 150 newswires, all of which deliver more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database also includes 2.3 million television and radio news transcripts. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 2002-present.

Newswires (EBSCOhost)

Provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Current year.

Regional Business News (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

U.S. Newsstream (ProQuest)

Provides access to current and extensive backfiles of U.S. news content. The database delivers full-text news sources including newspapers, newswires, news journals, television and radio transcripts, blogs, podcasts, and digital-only websites including The New York TimesChicago TribuneLos Angeles TimesThe Wall Street JournalThe Washington PostCNN Newswires, and the Huffington Post. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Full text available in PDF. Coverage: 1980-current.

Web News (EBSCOhost)

Provides near real-time access to thousands of top news feeds from around the world. This collection includes over 14,000 feeds covering a broad range of business and general news topics. End users can immediately access the full text of the web content by following the link in the record.

Open Access Sources / Open Educational Resources

Directory of Open Access Books

Provides indexing and full text access to over 64,500 scholarly, peer-reviewed books in 96 languages that cover topics such as art, crime and criminology, history, politics and government, society and culture, and sociology.

Directory of Open Access Journals

Provides indexing and full text access to over 18,968 scholarly, peer-reviewed journals in 80 languages that cover topics such as anthropology, fine arts, history, language and literature, medicine, music, political science, and religion and philosophy.

eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers access to nearly 10,000 eBooks in multiple disciplines. The collection was created in cooperation with university presses and scholarly publishers in the Open Access model, without DRM (digital rights management) restrictions. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1787-present.

Google Dataset Search

Provides a search engine for datasets hosted in thousands of repositories across the internet in scholarly fields such as life sciences, social sciences, machine learning, and civic and government data.

OER Commons

Provides tens of thousands of case studies, data sets, lecture notes, primary sources, syllabi, and textbooks covering subjects that include applied science, arts and humanities, business and communications, education, law, life science, mathematics, and physical science.

Open Book Publishers

Provides open access to peer-reviewed monographs, edited collections, textbooks, and critical translations in the humanities and social sciences. Open access available in HTML, PDF, and XML.

Open Library

Provides over 20 million book metadata records from a variety of large library catalogs as well as single contributions in an editable and collaborative open source initiative. Nearly two million full-text public domain books available in PDF, ePub, DAISY, DjVu and ASCII text from the Internet Archive’s collections.


Offers 60 peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that cover topics such as anthropology, business and economics, business law, government, history, intellectual property, life science, marketing and management, philosophy, physical science, psychology, and sociology.

Open Textbook Library

Provides Creative Commons licensed textbooks in the fields of business, computer science, education, engineering, humanities, journalism and mass communications, law, mathematics, medicine, natural sciences, social sciences, and student success.

Professional Development

Professional Development Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 520 education journals, including over 350 peer-reviewed titles, and more than 200 educational reports, and indexing and abstracts for more than 700 journals. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1930-present; full text 1930-present.

Teacher Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracting and full text for 280 teacher and administrator journals and magazines, including 270 that are peer-reviewed. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting: 1984-present; full text 1984-present.


Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

The First Amendment Encyclopedia

Provides access to more than 1,600 essays and entries covering court decisions and doctrines; people, laws and events; concepts and legal terms; and organizations and issues related to the five freedoms. Many of the entries are supported by historical photographs. Access provided by The Free Speech Center at Middle Tennessee State University.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary

Provides a dictionary with more than 103,015 entries, 1,449 images, and 46,189 audio files for English word definitions, meanings, pronunciation, etymologies, and examples.

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law

Provides a guide to the language of law with more than 10,000 legal words and phrases, including pronunciations, example phrases, and usage notes. The database presents material on etymology, the judicial system, legal cases, government agencies, and historic laws.

Merriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary

A comprehensive guide to the key political and physical features of today's world that features 41,464 entries and 250 images.

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary

Provides a guide to the language of medicine with more than 39,000 medical terms and abbreviations, including pronunciations, brand names, and generic equivalents of common drugs.

Merriam-Webster's Thesaurus

Provides more than 150,000, alphabetically organized word choices, including related words, antonyms, and near antonyms. Each main entry offers the meaning shared by the synonyms listed and usage examples that display words used in context. The database is updated regularly.

The Penguin English Dictionary

Provides more than 70,000 entries that offer clear, detailed definitions, with particular emphasis on difficult concepts and meanings. Includes not only standard English, but also scientific and technical vocabulary, specialist terms, slang, and the English of earlier periods.

Recursos para Hispanohablantes / Resources for Spanish-Speakers (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to a learning center designed for Spanish language speakers that includes practice tests and tutorials for those wishing to improve their basic skills in reading, writing, and math or to study and prepare for the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) and U.S. citizenship tests. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Brinda acceso a un centro de aprendizaje diseñado para hispanohablantes que incluye pruebas de práctica y tutorías para aquellos que deseen mejorar sus habilidades básicas en lectura, escritura y matemáticas o estudiar y prepararse para el Diploma de equivalencia general (GED) y las pruebas de ciudadanía estadounidense. Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Studying and Exams

Study Guide Zone

Study Tips

Public Domain Materials
Public Domain Materials

Books and Texts

American Naval Records Society

This website offers free access to documents and publications relating to the history of the U.S. Navy from the eighteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. The ANRS is an informal group of volunteer scholars and enthusiasts who contribute material to the site, which is hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.

The website is the online version of the primary biographical dictionary, in print since 1859, for all past and present members of the U.S. Congress as well as those attending the Continental Congress. Territorial delegates and resident commissioners from Puerto Rico and the Philippines are also included. Extended bibliographies and guides to research collections can be accessed through links on individual webpages.

Chronicling America (Library of Congress).

The website is a digital repository for historical newspapers printed in the United States between 1836 and 1922. The digital images are in the public domain or have no known copyright restrictions.

California Digital Newspaper Collection.

The website is a digital repository for historical newspapers printed in California from 1846 to 1922. Some contemporary California newspapers are being archived as part of a pilot project. The newspapers published before January 1, 1927, are in the public domain and have no restrictions on use.

Digital Public Library of America.

The site is a collaboration of American libraries, archives, and museums that grants free access to a wide variety of texts and other primary sources.


This website is the digitized collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF). To only use materials in the public domain, search for those that were published more than seventy-five years ago.

Getty Search Gateway

The site provides high-quality digital images of manuscripts and texts. Search by using the “Open Content Images” option in the Highlights filter section. All images found through this search should be credited as “Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program.”

Google Book Search.

Search for books and magazines published more than seventy-five years ago by using Google Books Advanced Search

Internet Archive.

Some of the texts on this site contain Creative Commons licensed works. Internet archive has amassed an immense volume of titles, with more added on a regular basis. Some texts have restrictions on bulk re-use and commercial use, so verify any restrictions set for the collection or by the sponsor of a book.

Internet History Sourcebooks Project.

A venture of Fordham University, this site is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts. The project has adopted a broad scope of ancient, medieval, and modern history, primarily involving African, Byzantine, East Asian, Indian, Islamic, and Jewish history.

Kansas Memory.

The site is a part of the Kansas Historical Society and provides access to digitized images of primary sources including letters, diaries, and state government records.

Kansas State Library Online Databases.

The website provides access to the State Library’s electronic databases. Subjects for study include General Research, History & Genealogy, Health, Medical, & Science, and Business & Technology.

Library of Congress Digital Collections.

The site allows access to online collections, including correspondence, diaries, and newspapers. The introductory page for each collection usually contains a link to copyright information. Verify the material intended for use is in the public domain.


This site offers unlimited access to over 24,000 public domain audio books, which are available for streaming or download from the website or from other digital hosting sites.

The Literature Network.

This website offers searchable online literature for students, educators, and general readers. They currently have over 3,500 books and 4,400 short stories written by more than 260 authors. In addition, there is a database of over 8,500 quotes.

Perseus Digital Library.

The site is a project of Tufts University that provides access to digitized classic works of the Greco-Roman world, including those in the subjects of history and literature. A subsequent expansion of the project was made to include the English Renaissance.

Project Gutenberg.

The site provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.. Review Project Gutenberg’s Permissions and License page before deciding to use a particular work. Most eBooks contain the permissions within the item itself.

U.S. Army Center of Military History

The site is a permanent resource of the Center of Military History, an organization belonging to the Department of the Army. CMH is tasked with recording, collecting, preserving, interpreting, and disseminating the history of the Army’s activities from 1775 to the present.

U.S. Government Publishing Office.

The site provides public access to official publications created by the three branches of the Federal Government and their agencies.

Data and Research

Census Bureau.

The site offers a wealth of historical information on the lives of the American people including population data, geographic data, and education.

CIA World Factbook.

The site is a reference resource produced by the Central Intelligence Agency to provide almanac-style information on the histories, governments, infrastructures, militaries, and economies of regions and countries around the globe.


The website is the repository of the Federal Government’s open data on a wide assortment of subjects including agriculture, climate, crime, health, and local governments.


Managed by the Department of Health and Human Services, the site contains more than 125 years of U.S. healthcare data including claim-level Medicare information, environmental health, epidemiology, population statistics, and substance abuse.

ICPSR (Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research).

The website is the product of an international consortium of more than 750 academic institutions and research organizations that share data and analysis involving social science research.

National Institute of Health.

Produced by an independent U.S. government agency, the site provides open access into biomedical and public health research, as well as training opportunities and educational and library resources.

National Science Foundation.

As the creation of an independent federal agency, the site provides open access to research and education initiatives in all non-medical fields of science, technology, and engineering.

UNICEF Research and Reports.

The site provides empirical data, research, and independent evaluation and analysis on the plight of disadvantaged children throughout the world.

World Bank Open Data.

The site provides free and open access to global development data including indicators, statistics, and research.

Movies and Multimedia

American Experience (PBS)

The site provides access to the long-running program that combines dramatic re-enactments with commentary by historians and authors to present the personalities, events, and resources that have profoundly impacted the shaping of America's past and present. Many of the program's documentaries have received major honors in the broadcasting community, including Emmy, Peabody, and duPont-Columbia University awards.

Digital Moving Image Collections (Moving Image Research Center, Library of Congress).

The site provides access to one of the Library of Congress’s digital collections. The majority of the films are in the public domain, but verify the status before using any of the materials. Information for acquiring broadcast quality digital copies is provided.

Federal Government Official Web Search (for videos).

This search engine will assist in searching for videos created by the United States government.


The site focuses on locating, preserving, contextualizing, and streaming independent documentaries on American folklife. Supplementary materials include transcriptions, study and teaching guides, suggested readings, and links to related websites.

Library of Congress Digital Collections.

The site allows access to online collections, including historic films. The introductory page for each collection usually contains a link to copyright information. Verify the material intended for use is in the public domain.

Moving Image Archive.

Part of the Internet Archive organization, this site allows users to stream or download millions of free movies, films, and videos from a variety of sources. They are typically in the public domain or covered under Creative Commons licenses. As always, verify the status before using.


The site provides access to hundreds of indie films, film noir, documentaries, dramas, and comedies. The list includes motion pictures by directors such as Fritz Lang, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, Elia Kazan, Ken Loach, Sergei Eisenstein, Andrei Tarkovsky, Frank Capra, Luc Besson, Jean-Luc Godard, Howard Hawks, and Stanley Kubrick.

OpenVideo Project (School of Library and Information Science, UNC Chapel Hill)

The site collects and makes available a repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities.

TED Talks

The site provides access to recorded presentations from the Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) conference held annually since 1984 in Long Beach, California. Talks are generally brief and include topics such as economics, physical and life sciences, medicine, social sciences, and technology.

Music (Sheet Music, Scores, and More)

Choral Public Domain Library

The site provides access to public domain choral and vocal sheet music scores, texts, and translations, or sheet music freely available for printing and performing through permissions granted by copyright holders. Before using, verify the copyright status of selected works.

IMSLP: Petrucci Music Library

Search for public domain and Creative Commons-licensed scores and recordings.

Internet Archive.

The site contains some score collections, which are available through a keyword search. Verify the public domain or Creative Commons status before using any of the materials.

Public Domain Information Project.

The site provides information on public domain music, including lists of music in the public domain, sheet music reprints, and sheet music books. They also offer royalty free music libraries that are available for download.

Visual Arts and Images

Creative Commons.

The website includes an option to search for Creative Commons-licensed content across numerous sources, including Flickr, Google, and Wikimedia Commons.


This site is an online portal that contains links to an extensive range of digitized materials held in European libraries and museums. Some of these cultural collections are in the public domain, so apply the “refined search” function to search “by copyright.” Choosing the Creative Commons Zero (CCO) option will result in items published under an open license (i.e. free for any use) while the CC-BY-NC option will display works published under a non-commercial license (i.e. use is restricted to noncommercial purposes).

Federal Government Official Web Search (for images).

This search engine will assist in searching for images created by the United States government.

Flickr: The Commons.

The site allows cultural institutions, such as the Smithsonian museums and the Library of Congress, to share photographs which have been reasonably concluded to have “no known copyright restrictions.” According to the website, this designation is due to an expiration of the copyright; the institution holds the copyright but has no interest in exercising control; or the institution has legal rights sufficient to authorize others to use the materials without restrictions. Due to the ambiguity, users are strongly advised to confirm the copyright status of materials.

Flickr: Public Domain.

A Flickr group where contributors are dedicating images to the public domain.

Getty Search Gateway

The site provides high-quality digital images of photographs drawings, paintings, maps, and prints. Search by using the “Open Content Images” option in the Highlights filter section. All images found through this search should be credited as “Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program.”

Kansas Memory.

The site is a part of the Kansas Historical Society and provides access to digitized images of primary sources including photographs, museum artifacts, and maps.

Library of Congress Digital Collections.

The site allows access to online collections, including maps and photographs. The introductory page for each collection usually contains a link to copyright information. Verify the material intended for use is in the public domain.

Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog.

The site provides broad public access to catalog records and digital images from more than 95 percent of the Library of Congress’s Prints & Photographs Division holdings. The collections include photographs, fine and popular prints and drawings, posters, and architectural and engineering drawings.


The site is a free photo archive where the images are freely accessible for download and re-use whether they are intended for commercial purposes.

National Aeronautical and Space Administration.

The NASA website provides access to images, audio files, video, and other media involving the American space program. These files are commonly not under copyright and freely available for use.

National Gallery of Art (U.S.).

The website is a digital repository involving the collections of the gallery. Thousands of open access digital images are available for download and use.


The site permits contributors to share copyright free images and videos released under Creative Commons Zero (CCO). This allows them to be used without receiving permission from or giving credit to the creator, even for commercial purposes.

Wikimedia Commons.

The site is Wikipedia’s media repository which provides access to a wide array of images. All content is in the public domain and provided with a Public Domain Marks or published with a CC BY-SA license.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

About This Guide

Welcome to the Barton Library's guide on Artificial Intelligence (AI)—an evolving resource designed to support faculty, staff, and students in navigating a rapidly developing field. As a work-in-progress, this guide will undergo regular updates to ensure that it remains a comprehensive and current source of information.

Patrons are invited to engage with the Library’s subject specialist librarians. Our team is available to address inquiries and assist users in navigating the complex landscape of AI.

Within this guide, users will find a range of information and resources, including:

  1. Definitions of Terms: Gain a foundational understanding of AI by exploring comprehensive definitions of key terms within the field. These sections serve as a starting point for those new to AI or seeking to reinforce existing knowledge. 
  2. AI Tool Overviews: Delve into an exploration of various AI tools, understanding their functionalities, applications, and implications. These sections aim to provide insight into the practical aspects of AI tools, offering users a comprehensive overview. 
  3. AI Model Types: Explore the diverse array of AI model types, ranging from machine learning to deep learning. These areas elucidate the distinctions between these models, offering clarity on their respective strengths and applications. 
  4. Prompt Creation: Uncover the intricacies of creating effective prompts for AI systems. This section delves into the art and science of formulating prompts, providing valuable insights for researchers, students, and practitioners. 
  5. Academic Integrity: Navigate the ethical dimensions of AI. This section addresses the importance of upholding academic integrity while engaging with AI technologies, emphasizing responsible and ethical practices. 
  6. Select Readings: Immerse in curated readings that offer in-depth perspectives on AI. From foundational texts to cutting-edge research, this section provides a curated selection of readings to deepen understanding of AI. 

As the Barton Library continues its commitment to supporting patrons in the exploration of AI, faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to actively contribute to this evolving guide. Feedback and suggestions are invaluable in ensuring that this resource remains a relevant and comprehensive aid in navigating the multifaceted landscape of artificial intelligence.

Text generated by ChatGPT 3.5, with some edits and revisions (2023, November 30)

Prompts Used: Use third person point of view. Adopt an unbiased and neutral tone. Write an introduction to a library guide on artificial intelligence. This is a work-in-progress, and updates will be made on a regular basis. Invite the discovery of resources to help faculty and students. Invite people to come talk to subject specialist librarians about questions. The Barton Library is committed to helping patrons with this new technology. Make a numbered list of information and resources that includes Definitions of Terms, AI Tool Overviews, AI Model Types, Prompt Creation, Academic Integrity, and Select Readings.


This guide was created by the Barton Library, which neither endorses nor encourages the use of the referenced tools without prior consultation with one’s instructors.

Definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Pioneering computer scientist John McCarthy defined artificial intelligence as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.”

Glossary of AI Terms

AI Advisory Council. Artificial intelligence (AI) terminology: A glossary for beginners. CompTIA.

Artificial Intelligence in Context


Generative Artificial Intelligence refers to a class of artificial intelligence models and algorithms that generate new content, such as images, text, music, videos, computer code, data, and 3D renderings, based on predictions drawn from vast amounts of training data. While traditional AI systems recognize patterns or make decisions based on existing information, generative AI is capable of creating original outputs. 

One of the fundamental techniques used in generative AI are generative pre-trained transformers (GPT), which is a type of large language model (LLM) that uses deep learning to generate natural language texts. GPTs are trained on large datasets to learn statistical patterns and features within that data. The model is then fine-tuned on specific language tasks and their corresponding nuances and requirements. New data points, resembling the original data, are generated from statistical predictions of the probability of a given sequence of words occurring in a sentence, similar to a supercharged auto-complete.

Generative AI tools can create a number of formats such as essays, poems, emails, social media, captions, and images. These applications are prevalent throughout various industries, including auto-correct, digital movie recommendations, writing generators, grammar checkers, proofreaders, and tone checkers.

However, users should realize the power to generate realistic content also carries the potential for misuse, such as copyright infringements, deep fake generation, and the spread of false information. In the face of these technological advances, ethical considerations and responsible use have become central issues.

Understanding AI: Generative AI

Generative AIs operate via certain core concepts:

  • Language models are statistical predictors of word sequences; there is no understanding or intent behind outputs.
  • Most need to learn by examining past data or by trial and error experimentation and adaption.
  • There is no relationship between a chatbot and the truth, merely statistical predictions.
  • There is no content expert involved.
  • The output is simple pattern matching that simulates thinking but is not an actual product of thought.
  • The output depends on the data imputed.
  • Understanding a generative AI’s need to learn will give insight into the technology’s capabilities and limitations.

Understanding AI: Instructional AI

Instructional AIs operate via certain core concepts:

  • They are tools that teach or reinforce the concepts of writing and offer feedback on grammar and mechanics (e.g., flow, word count, voice, and tone).
  • Revisions must be manually chosen.
  • They focus more on the process of research and writing than on the product of the assignment.
  • Most feature originality reports, including AI-generated content detectors.

Capabilities of Generative AI

Some of the capabilities of generative AI include:

  • Helping to overcome writer’s block
  • Providing a starting point for student coursework, although caution should be exercised.
  • Tutoring students by defining terms and explaining difficult concepts
  • Debugging programs step by step
  • Providing first drafts of course syllabi
  • Simple text editing
  • Identifying scholarly debates on a particular topic and exploring subjects through differing theoretical lenses
  • Modeling clearly organized descriptive and argumentative writing on particular topics
  • Generating lists of bibliographical references, although the user should determine whether sources are factual or AI-generated hallucinations

Text generators can help students learn about different writing genres and forms.

  • They can also require serious writers to become stylists.
  • AI text generators may establish a new baseline for student essays.

Strengths of Generative AI

Some of the strengths of generative AI include:

  • A large knowledge base derived from massive amounts of training data
  • A capability for generating coherent, human-like responses on a wide variety of topics. The models can engage in conversations and provide relevant information
  • A capacity for automating repetitive tasks to improve workflows and communication
  • A wide range of applications, including answering questions, offering suggestions, improving assignments and assessments, and generating content

Limitations of Generative AI

Some of the limitations of generative AI include:

  • A lack of wisdom, practical knowledge, factuality, and critical thinking
  • An inability to extrapolate data and make reliable predictions when there is a lack of data to inform patterns, structure, or mathematical equations
  • An incapacity to form a viewpoint or a specific argument
  • Difficulties with understanding context and nuance
  • A propensity for generating and defending inaccurate or false information (“hallucinations”), including completely fabricated citations
  • Submissions for writing assistance becoming part of the large language model’s (LLM) learning corpus

Students are learning to understand the world around them and to express themselves with clarity and purpose; this is something a language model cannot achieve.


  • Become educated in how generative AI and LLMs operate.
  • Engage in informed conversation with peers, colleagues, instructors, supervisors, and team members concerning generative AI and its implications for teaching, learning, and academic support.
  • Consider the benefits and detriments of AI tools including the potential risks for privacy and digital security violations.

Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools

The Library offers these descriptions of AI tools for patrons' convenience and knowledge. The Library does not endorse their use or bear responsibility for sites' accuracy, legality, and content.

Additional Resources

What is artificial intelligence? (BBC News)

What is artificial intelligence (AI)? (IBM)

I Am AI (Nvidia)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) What It Means for You in 2023 ǀ HubSpot Marketing

What are Chatbots? ǀ GCF Learn Free

What is machine learning? ǀ The Royal Society

The Deep Learning Revolution ǀ NVIDIA

The Inside Story of ChatGPT’s Astonishing Potential ǀ Greg Brockman ǀ TED

AI in Schools – Forward Propagation Unplugged Activity ǀ Scan Video

Principles Needed for an AI Framework

Responsible AI Principles (Instructure)


Prompt Creation

Prompt creation is an essential notion in the AI field, particularly in natural language processing. Optimizing the use of generative AI means carefully designing and forming the right questions, instructions, or prompts. The goal is to effectively communicate with AI systems to obtain desired outputs. Chamorro-Premuzic (2023) observed the skills most in demand:

Asking Thoughtful Questions

  • The quality of value of AI-power tools’ responses hinge on the prompts.
  • Better prompts elicit richer and more robust responses.

Going Beyond Crowdsourced Knowledge

  • Advanced and specialized domain and subject matter expertise will become more valuable, since AI-produced responses will inevitably contain error or oversimplifications.
  • The capacity to spot inaccuracies, miscalculations, and mistakes in coding and other areas, and to correct errors or simplify understanding will be highly valued.

Leveraging AI-generated Insights into Decisions and Actions

  • Information becomes most valuable when it is actually applied in real-world contexts in which users solve problems or translate ideas into tangible products and services.
  • The ability to implement solutions is well beyond AI’s current capabilities.

Crafting Prompts

The Library has provided several best practices for creating prompts that are encapsulated in the COUGAR Framework.

Categories of AI Prompts

The Library offers a template for various prompts with relevant examples.


Resources for Students

This section is designed to be a comprehensive resource hub that equips students to use AI responsibly and ethically.

Following your instructor’s current guidance on the use of AI is essential. The use of any AI tool for completion of coursework must be approved by your instructor. If you choose to use ChatGPT, Bard, or other generative AI, you should be transparent and cite the technology as a source.

AI Glossary (National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce)

Data Literacy

Learn the Language of Data ǀ Data Literacy Project

Evaluating AI-Generated Content (S.T.A.R.T.)

Evaluating AI-generated content should always utilize human judgment in order that desired outputs and needs are addressed. Human users are best equipped to apply critical thinking and healthy skepticism to identify potential issues, such as inaccuracies, agendas, and biases.


When making use of generative AI to complete assignments, users have the sole responsibility of verifying that all outputs are correct, current, and comply with the College’s academic integrity requirements.

The Library has a number of resources available for fact checking:

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

InfoBase Health Reference Center

Provides access to thousands of journal articles and essays, 10,000 video clips, and 3,000 color illustrations on key areas of health, including children’s health, men’s health, senior health, teen health, and women’s health, and on more than 950 types of disease and disorder.

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.

Teacher Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracting and full text for 280 teacher and administrator journals and magazines, including 270 that are peer-reviewed. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting: 1984-present; full text 1984-present.

Privacy and Data Security

Users are advised to avoid imputing personal data into AI systems.


  • Stay informed of relevant course, program, and College policies. Misuse of AI tools may violate the institution’s Academic Integrity policies (Procedure 2502).
  • Consider using AI-generated content as a starting point or supplemental material rather than as the single source of information.
  • Practice responsible AI use in your coursework, using the technology to support rather than bypass learning. Use AI tools only with the explicit permission of your instructor.
  • You are solely responsible for the work you produce and submit to your instructor, including any materials generated by AI. Cross-reference information contained within AI-generated text with multiple credible sources. Verify facts, statistics, and claims.
  • Make certain you have put forward work that is honestly created and accurate.
  • Protect your data. Make sure you are clear on how your personal information and intellectual property will be handled.

Additional Resources

This section is under construction.


Resources for Faculty/Staff

This section is designed to be a comprehensive resource hub that consolidates relevant articles, ideas, and best practices for AI in education.

Good teaching practices that support critical thinking, knowledge acquirement, and skill proficiency will enable instructors to engage with generative AI.

Ruiz, P., & Fusco, J. (2023, April 10). Glossary of artificial intelligence terms for educators. Engage AI Institute.

Assessing Learning

This section is under construction.

Assessment Strategies

This section is under construction.

Designing Effective Assessments

This section is under construction.

Adapting Existing Assessments

This section is under construction.

Syllabus Statements

This section is under construction.

Artificial Intelligence Literacy

The Library offers to faculty and staff details on current models being developed for artificial intelligence literacy. Due to the continually evolving nature of the technology, no one standard has yet been universally adopted.


  • Explore how AI tools are being used or not used in your academic discipline or specialty. Consider whether you have a professional responsibility to help educate students on emerging uses of AI tools in your field.
  • Experiment with AI tools to determine how they perform on assignments.
  • Reflect on the teaching goals, learning outcomes, and essential skills relevant to your course(s) and program(s).
  • Clearly communicate expectations with students (both verbally and in writing), including guidance on the appropriate and inappropriate use of AI tools.
  • Consider whether any tasks students complete can be delegated to or supplemented by AI to streamline or enhance the learning process.
  • Review assessment practices and instruments to ensure they remain valid, reliable measures of student learning.

Additional Resources

20 ways to use ChatGPT in the classroom (DitchThatTextbook.com)

Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence/ChatGPT (Arizona State University)

AI Assessment Scale (created by Leon Furze)

AI Ethics (University of Florida)

AI in Education Resource Directory (created by John Martin, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

AI Risk Management Framework (National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce)

AI Security Initiative (Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, UC Berkeley)

Bloom’s Taxonomy and AI Tools (Oregon State University)

Center for Self-Determination Theory

ChatGPT and its Effect on Education ǀ Packback

ChatGPT and Online Teaching and Learning (Wake Forest University)

Computational Thinking Rubric (University of Delaware)

Creating Effective Communications for the Online Classroom with ChatGPT (Innovative Educators)

Critical Questions about Technology (Civics of Technology)

Educator FAQ (OpenAI)

EDUCAUSE Data Literacy Institute

Facilitating Better Online Discussions with ChatGPT (Innovative Educators)

Foundation Model Class Policy (created by Ryan Baker, University of Pennsylvania)

Generative AI Policy Guidance (Office of Community Standards, Stanford University)

Guidelines for Using ChatGPT and Other Generative AI Tools at Harvard (Office of the Provost, Harvard University)

How AI Could Save (Not Destroy) Education ǀ Sal Khan ǀ TED

Institute for Ethics in AI (University of Oxford)

Introducing ChatGPT and Whisper APIs (OpenAI)

Long, D., & Magerko, B. (2020). What is AI literacy? Competencies and design considerations. ACM Digital Library. [13-minute video]

So a Student Submitted Work Generated by A.I. Now What? ǀ Packback

Syllabi Policies for AI Generative Tools (created by Lance Eaton, College Unbound)

Syllabus Recommendations (Syracuse University)

Teaching and Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Syracuse University)

Trustworthy & Responsible AI Resource Center (National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce)

Writing Quiz & Test Questions with ChatGPT (Innovative Educators)


Academic Integrity

The ethical use of generative AI technology depends on the context in which it is being utilized and the expectations of the individuals or organizations involved. Users are expected to understand the potential implications of generative AI technology and to approach its use with honesty and integrity. The responsibility for the ethical use of any technology rests with the human user. This obligation cannot be transferred to a machine.

For more information on the College’s policies on copyright, intellectual property, and plagiarism, see Use of Copyrighted Materials (Procedure 2150), Intellectual Property (Procedure 2470), and Academic Integrity (Procedure 2502).

Additional Resources

Understanding artificial intelligence ethics and safety (Alan Turing Institute)


Each citation style has its own recommendations for citing generative AI tools. See the Citation Guides for the correct citation styling.

Additional Resources

ChatGPT Citations ǀ Formats & Examples

Citation, documentation of sources. The Chicago Manual of Style Online.

How do I cite generative AI in MLA style? MLA Style Center.

McAdoo, T. (2023, April 7). How to cite ChatGPT. APA Style.


Generative AI tools are trained on immense amounts of data collected from a variety of electronic locations. Many of these textual, visual, and audio materials have the potential to be used without the knowledge or consent of webpage publishers or content owners.

Several lawsuits alleging copyright infringement are already progressing through the court system. Whether the use of content without the permission of creators falls under fair use remains to be seen. Patrons are encouraged to exercise caution when using AI-generated content and to always cite sources.

Using AI tools to create a derivative of copyrighted images or large portions of text may infringe on the rights of copyright holders. Before employing AI tools to alter copyrighted material, users should first obtain permission from the rights holder.

For more information, see the Library’s Copyright page.

Additional Resources

ChatGPT: Who owns the content generated? (Caldwell)

Copyright and Artificial Intelligence (U.S. Copyright Office)

Copyright Registration Guidance: Works Containing Material Generated by Artificial Intelligence (U.S. Copyright Office)

Generative Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law (Congressional Research Service)

Principles for copyright and artificial intelligence (Library Copyright Alliance)


Plagiarism is defined by the American Association of University Professors (1989) as “taking over the ideas, methods, or written words of another, without acknowledgment and with the intention that they be taken as the work of the deceiver.” Plagiarism is a violation of the College’s Academic Integrity Policy.

The emergence of generative AI likewise brings forth an increased potential for plagiarism. Those contemplating the use of generative AI for unethical purposes, whether singly or in conjunction with text-spinners, need to ask themselves whether taking a shortcut is worth the risk of an academic integrity violation charge and the associated penalties.

Properly citing the sources from which you have drawn information, including generative AI, will assist you in avoiding any chance for plagiarism.

Artificial Intelligence: Select Readings

The Library has created a bibliography of articles on the topic of AI, which range from academic integrity to AI detection research to pedagogy to think pieces. Patrons are encouraged to recommend for inclusion materials that have been found to be informative and/or thought-provoking.


Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.


Provides access to textual and image content in 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The Library’s subscription allows patrons to search full-text articles in 1,316 scholarly journals, book chapters from 8,878 open access books, the contents of 41,605 open research reports, and numerous images. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Regional Business News (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full-text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

HF5601-5689 Accounting. Bookkeeping.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides access to textual and image content in 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The Library’s subscription allows patrons to search full-text articles in 1,316 scholarly journals, book chapters from 8,878 open access books, the contents of 41,605 open research reports, and numerous images. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCOhost. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full-text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.

Web Resources

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Federal Reserve

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Professional Associations

International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)

Professional Accounting Society of America (PASA)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.



Contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, including more than 4.8 million citations of journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports related to agriculture. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides access to textual and image content in 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The Library’s subscription allows patrons to search full-text articles in 1,316 scholarly journals, book chapters from 8,878 open access books, the contents of 41,605 open research reports, and numerous images. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

S1-972 Agriculture (General)

SB1-1110 Agriculture. Plant culture.

SD1-669.5 Agriculture. Forestry

SF1-100 Agriculture. Animal culture.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than one million scholarly, government and general-interest titles, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records, on topics such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1913-present; full text 1898-present.


Provides access to textual and image content in 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The Library’s subscription allows patrons to search full-text articles in 1,316 scholarly journals, book chapters from 8,878 open access books, the contents of 41,605 open research reports, and numerous images. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCOhost. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Agricultural Marketing Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Agricultural Statistics (USDA and Cornell University)

Center for Veterinary Medicine (U.S. Food and Drug Administration)

Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (USDA and Cornell University)

Forest Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

GPS.gov: Agriculture

National Agricultural Library (USDA)

National Agricultural Statistics Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Pesticides (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

PubAg (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Professional Associations

American Diary Science Association

American Society of Agronomy

Crop Science Society of America

Soil Science Society of America

Citation Styles

Chicago Manual of Style

Modern Language Association (MLA)

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Art Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Features indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, and over 13,000 art dissertations, and indexing of almost 200,000 art reproductions. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present.

Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than one million scholarly, government and general-interest titles, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records, on topics such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1913-present; full text 1898-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

GN1-48 Anthropology (General).

GN49-298 Physical anthropology.

GN301-674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology.

GN700-890 Prehistoric anthropology.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than one million scholarly, government and general-interest titles, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records, on topics such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1913-present; full text 1898-present.

History Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers a selection of over 250 historical eBook titles covering global topics from the ancient world through modern times. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2010-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale Presents: National Geographic Virtual Library

Provides access to digitized content from National Geographic Magazine. This title explores topics in the areas of science, history, technology, the environment, and cultures. Coverage: Full text 1888-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing

Ethnologue (Summer Institute of Linguistics)

Google Dataset Search

Human Origins Program (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History)

National Science Foundation: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences

Our Mother Tongues

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Department of Anthropology

Professional Associations

American Anthropological Association

Kansas Anthropological Association

Society for Applied Anthropology

Society for Cultural Anthropology

Society for Linguistic Anthropology

Citation Styles

Chicago Manual of Style

American Anthropological Association Style Guide

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

N1-9211 Visual Arts.

NK3700-4695 Ceramics.

NX1-820 Arts in general.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Computer / Digital Art

Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

GV1469.15-1469.62 Computer games. Video games. Fantasy games.

N1-9211 Visual Arts.

NX1-820 Arts in general.

TK5105 Telecommunications.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

N1-9211 Visual Arts.

NC1-1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration.

NX1-820 Arts in general.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

N1-9211 Visual Arts.

ND25-3416 Painting.

NX1-820 Arts in general.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

N1-9211 Visual Arts.

NX1-820 Arts in general.

TR1-1050 Photography.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Textiles / Fibers

Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

N1-9211 Visual Arts.

NK2775-2898 Rugs and carpets.

NK2975-3409 Tapestries.

NK3175-3296.3 Upholstery. Drapery.

NX1-820 Arts in general.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

History Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers a selection of over 250 historical eBook titles covering global topics from the ancient world through modern times. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2010-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Archives of American Art

Art Libraries Society of North America

Art on the Net

Getty Resources

Google Arts & Culture

Institute of Classical Architecture & Art

International Center of Photography


Metropolitan Museum of Art

National Gallery of Art

Online Library of Liberty (OLL)

Smithsonian American Art Museum

Web Gallery of Art

Professional Associations

ACRL Image Resources Interest Group (IRIG)

American Ceramic Society (ACerS)

American Cultural Resources Association

Arts, Crafts, & Theater Safety

College Art Association

Midwest Art Conservation Center

National Association for the Visual Arts

National Association of Independent Artists

Society of Illustrators

Visual Resources Association

Citation Styles

Chicago Manual of Style

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.


InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOHost. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Regional Business News (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

HF1-6182 Commerce.

HG1-9999 Finance.

HJ9-9940 Public finance.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Better Business Bureau

Big Charts (Market Watch)

Bureau of Economic Analysis (U.S. Department of Commerce)

Dunn & Bradstreet

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Financial Times

globalEDGE (Michigan State University)

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

International Trade Commission (ITA)


New York Stock Exchange

Nonprofit Explorer (ProPublica)


United States Department of Commerce

United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Working Knowledge: Business Research for Business Leaders (Harvard Business School)

World Bank: Doing Business Indicators

World Bank: Enterprise Surveys

World Bank: World Development Indicators

Professional Associations

American Bankers Association (ABA)

American Business Women's Association (ABWA)

American Finance Association (AFA)

American Management Association (AMA)

Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. (AFP)

Society for Business Ethics

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

National Business Association (NBA)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Chicago Manual of Style

Harvard Business School

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Business Computer Management
Business Computer Management

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Computer Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications that cover the latest information and current trends in high technology. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1965-present; full text 1979-present.

Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than one million scholarly, government and general-interest titles, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records, on topics such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1913-present; full text 1898-present.

Health Source – Consumer Edition (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstract and full text access to nearly 80 consumer health magazines and over 1,000 health-related pamphlets covering topics such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, aging, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, and women's health. Additionally, Health Source – Consumer Edition contains more than 4,500 Clinical Reference Systems reports (in English and Spanish); AHFS Consumer Medication Information, which includes Drug information monographs written in lay language for consumers; and Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary. Full-text articles available in HTML. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text 1984-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Legal Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for more than 250 scholarly peer-reviewed publications including law journals, documents, and case studies that explore topics such as criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical, labor & human resource law, ethics, and the environment. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1887-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Point of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

Q1-295 Science. General.

Q350-390 Science. Information theory.

HF5410-5417.5 Commerce. Marketing. Distribution of products.

HF5717-5743.7 Business communication.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Computer History Museum (CHM)

Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)

Professional Associations

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA)


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society (IEEE CS)

International Web Association (IWA)

Society for Philosophy and Technology

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Gale Primary Sources: Smithsonian Collections Online

Provides digitized content from Air and Space Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine. These titles explore topics in aviation and space, including  the evolving modes of flight, and the areas of interest reflected in the Smithsonian Institution’s collections. Full-text scans available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1970-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QD1-65 General (including alchemy)

QD71-142 Analytical chemistry

QD146-197 Inorganic chemistry

QD241-441 Organic Chemistry

QD415-436 Biochemistry

QD450-801 Physical and theoretical chemistry

  • QD625-655 Radiation chemistry
  • QD701-731 Photochemistry

QD901-999 Crystallography


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical Insights, Principles of Business, Principles of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale Presents: National Geographic Virtual Library

Provides access to digitized content from National Geographic Magazine. This title explores topics in the areas of science, history, technology, the environment, and cultures. Coverage: Full text 1888-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources


Chemistry Help Center

Chemistry Library (LibreText)

Chemistry World (Royal Society of Chemistry)


Google Dataset Search

National Science Foundation: Mathematical and Physical Sciences

NIST Chemistry WebBook

PhET Interactive Simulations for Science and Math: Chemistry (University of Colorado at Boulder)


ThoughtCo.: Chemistry

Professional Associations

American Chemical Society

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Council of Science Editors (CSE)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.


InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.


Contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, including more than 4.8 million citations of journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports related to agriculture. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Art Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Features indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, and over 13,000 art dissertations, and indexing of almost 200,000 art reproductions. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present.

Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson)

Features full-text articles from more than 300 periodicals; indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, and over 13,000 art dissertations; and indexing of almost 200,000 art reproductions. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text  1995-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Computer Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications that cover the latest information and current trends in high technology. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1965-present; full text 1979-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

P87-96 Communication. Mass media

P99.5-99.6 Nonverbal communication


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical Insights, Principles of Business, Principles of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOHost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Primary Sources


Provides access to over 12,000 local, national, and international news sources, including newspapers, newswires, newsletters, news magazines, blogs, journals, transcripts from news programs, video, and web-only sources.  Languages include English, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: 1900-present.

Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1,196 U.S. and international newspapers and 150 newswires, all of which deliver more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database also includes 2.3 million television and radio news transcripts. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 2002-present.

Newswires (EBSCOhost)

Provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Current year.

Web Resources

Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

State of the News Media Project (Pew Research Center)

TED Talks: Communications

Professional Associations

American Communication Association

Association for Women in Communications

IEEE Professional Communication Society (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

International Association of Business Communicators

International Communication Association (ICA)

National Communication Association

Public Relations Society of America

Social Media Association

Citation Styles

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion



Infobase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

Infobase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Business Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Gale Primary Sources: Smithsonian Collections Online

Provides digitized content from Air and Space Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine. These titles explore topics in aviation and space, including  the evolving modes of flight, and the areas of interest reflected in the Smithsonian Institution’s collections. Full-text scans available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1970-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

Infobase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

K5015.4-5350 Criminal law

K5401-5570 Criminal procedure

K5575-5582 Juvenile criminal law and procedure


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Infobase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

Merriam-Webster's Law Dictionary

Provides a guide to the language of law with more than 10,000 legal words and phrases, including pronunciations, example phrases, and usage notes. The database presents material on etymology, the judicial system, legal cases, government agencies, and historic laws. The dictionary is updated annually.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Primary Sources

Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers

Provides digitized content from over 400 newspapers serving urban and rural regions throughout the United States. Full-text scans available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-1899.


Provides access to over 12,000 local, national, and international news sources, including newspapers, newswires, newsletters, news magazines, blogs, journals, transcripts from news programs, video, and web-only sources.  Languages include English, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: 1900-present.

Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1,196 U.S. and international newspapers and 150 newswires, all of which deliver more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database also includes 2.3 million television and radio news transcripts. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 2002-present.

Newswires (EBSCOhost)

Provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Current year.

Web Resources

Bureau of Justice Statistics (U.S. Department of Justice)

Children's Defense Fund

Court Listener

Crime/Law Enforcement Stats (Uniform Crime Reporting Program, Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement (Cato Institute)

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Federal Bureau of Prisons

How to Become a Police Officer

Kansas Attorney General Opinions

Kansas Bureau of Investigation

Kansas Department of Corrections

Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center

Kansas Statues Annotated

National Criminal Justice Reference Service (U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs)

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs)

Police Executive Research Forum

School for Law Enforcement Ethics (The Center for American and International Law)

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics (University of Albany)

United States Army Office of the Provost Marshal General

United States Attorneys' Manual (U.S. Department of Justice)

United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

United States Marshals Service

United States Sentencing Commission

Professional Associations

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

American Academy of Forensic Sciences

American Correctional Association

American Jail Association

American Society of Criminology

International Association of Law Enforcement Planners

Justice Research and Statistics Association

National Criminal Justice Association

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase/Bloom’s Literature

Provides full-text access to literature resources and criticism selected by noted literary expert Harold Bloom, including the “How to Write About,” “Shakespeare Center,” and “Bloom’s Literary Canon.” The database offers over 1,000 eBook classics and 2,600 poems, more than 4,000 Publisher’s Weekly interviews, and more than 400 full-length videos of classics plays and films as well as overviews, synopses, analyses, peer-reviewed journal articles, and literary criticism of thousands of literary works. Coverage: Varies by topic and format.

InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

GV1580-1799.4 Dancing


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

History Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers a selection of over 250 historical eBook titles covering global topics from the ancient world through modern times. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2010-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Web Resources

Dance Heritage Coalition

Dance Studies Association

Library of Congress Performing Arts Databases

PBS Learning Media: Dance

World Dance Heritage

Professional Associations

American College Dance Association (ACDA)

Dance Studies Association


National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)

Society for Dance History Scholars (SDHS)

Citation Styles

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Professional Development Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 520 education journals, including over 350 peer-reviewed titles, and more than 200 educational reports, and indexing and abstracts for more than 700 journals. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1930-present; full text 1930-present.

Teacher Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracting and full text for 280 teacher and administrator journals and magazines, including 270 that are peer-reviewed. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting: 1984-present; full text 1984-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

LB1101-1139 Child study

LB1139.2-1139.5 Early childhood education

LB1140-1140.5 Preschool education. Nursery schools


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

TumbleBooks en Espanol

Provides access to Spanish language titles, including 50 story books, 6 bilingual books, and 11 games and puzzles. The collection is part of the Tumble Biblioteca platform, which is also available in English and French, and designed for readers at the K-6 grade levels. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Brinda acceso a títulos en español, incluidos 50 libros de cuentos, 6 libros bilingües y 11 juegos y rompecabezas. La colección es parte de la plataforma Tumble Biblioteca, que también está disponible en inglés y francés, y está diseñada para lectores en los niveles de grado K-6. Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

InfoBase/Mailbox School & District Edition

Provides a teacher-created, editor-reviewed resource that include worksheets, crafts, forms, songs, games, graphic organizers, patterns, clip art, cards and more for pre-kindergarten to grade 6. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

InfoBase/The World Almanac for Kids

Provides access to age-appropriate student and teacher resources for homework, reports, and projects, including lesson plans, videos, games, printable handouts, science projects, maps, and flags. Topics include biographies, health and guidance, language arts, life science, math, physical science, and social studies. The database includes content from Chelsea House and Facts On File sets and series.

InfoBase/The World Almanac for Kids Elementary

Provides a complement to The World Almanac for Kids with resources designed for elementary school students and teachers, including Fun Facts articles, worksheets, graphic organizers, classroom management forms, game and puzzles, word searches, images and videos, and interactives. The database includes content from Chelsea House and Facts On File sets and series.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Association for Library Service to Children (American Library Association)

Reading Bear

U.S. Department of Education Early Learning Web Site

Zero to Three

Professional Associations

Association for Childhood Education International (CE International)

Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

HB1-3840 Economic theory. Demography

HC10-1085 Economic history and conditions

HD28-9999 Industries. Land use. Labor


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.

Primary Sources

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Regional Business News (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

Web Resources

American Institute of Economic Research (AIER)

The Brookings Institution

The Center on Capitalism and Society (Columbia University)

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Heterodox Academy (HxA)

Index of Economic Freedom

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

International Trade Administration (ITA)

World Economic Outlook Database (International Monetary Fund)

National Bureau of Economic Research


New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Online Library of Liberty (OLL)

Peterson Institute for International Economics

Robert L. Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD): World Investment Report

United Nations Development Program (UNDP): Human Development Reports

United States Bureau of Economic Analysis

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics

World Bank

Professional Associations

American Economic Association (AEA)

The Econometrics Society

National Association for Business Economics

National Economic Association

World Economics Association

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Chicago Manual of Style

Journal of Economic Literature

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Professional Development Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 520 education journals, including over 350 peer-reviewed titles, and more than 200 educational reports, and indexing and abstracts for more than 700 journals. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1930-present; full text 1930-present.

Teacher Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracting and full text for 280 teacher and administrator journals and magazines, including 270 that are peer-reviewed. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting: 1984-present; full text 1984-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

L7-991 Education (General)

LA5-2396 History of education

LB5-3640 Theory and practice of education

LC8-6691 Special aspects of education

LD13-7501 Individual institutions (United States)

LE3-78 Individual intuitions (American except United States)

LF14-5627 Individual institutions (Europe)

LG21-395 Individual institutions (Asia)

LG401-681 Individual institutions (Africa)

LG690 Individual institutions (Indian Ocean islands)

LG715-720 Individual institutions (Australia)

LG741-745 Individual institutions (New Zealand)

LG961 Individual institutions (Pacific islands)

LH1-9 College and school magazines and papers

LJ3-165 Student fraternities and societies, United States

LT6-501 Textbooks


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic (State Library of Kansas)

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

InfoBase/The World Almanac for Kids

Provides access to age-appropriate student and teacher resources for homework, reports, and projects, including lesson plans, videos, games, printable handouts, science projects, maps, and flags. Topics include biographies, health and guidance, language arts, life science, math, physical science, and social studies. The database includes content from Chelsea House and Facts On File sets and series.

InfoBase/The World Almanac for Kids Elementary

Provides a complement to The World Almanac for Kids with resources designed for elementary school students and teachers, including Fun Facts articles, worksheets, graphic organizers, classroom management forms, game and puzzles, word searches, images and videos, and interactives. The database includes content from Chelsea House and Facts On File sets and series.

InfoBase/The Mailbox School & District

Provides a teacher-created, editor-reviewed resource that include worksheets, crafts, forms, songs, games, graphic organizers, patterns, clip art, cards and more for pre-kindergarten to grade 6. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Recursos para Hispanohablantes / Resources for Spanish-Speakers (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to a learning center designed for Spanish language speakers that includes practice tests and tutorials for those wishing to improve their basic skills in reading, writing, and math or to study and prepare for the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) and U.S. citizenship tests. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Brinda acceso a un centro de aprendizaje diseñado para hispanohablantes que incluye pruebas de práctica y tutorías para aquellos que deseen mejorar sus habilidades básicas en lectura, escritura y matemáticas o estudiar y prepararse para el Diploma de equivalencia general (GED) y las pruebas de ciudadanía estadounidense. Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Academic Freedom Alliance

Academic Freedom Index (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Institute of Political Science)

Association for Library Service to Children (American Library Association)

Community College Review

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (National Center for Education Statistics)

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (IAIED)

Smithsonian Learning Lab

United States Department of Education

Professional Associations

Association of American Educators (AAE)

Association of International Educators (NAFSA)

International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE)

Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE)

National Association of Scholars (NAS)

National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)

National Education Association (NEA)

National Organization for Student Success (NOSS)

Philosophy of Education Society

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Emergency Management-Homeland Security
Emergency Management-Homeland Security

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.


Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOHost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Legal Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for more than 250 scholarly peer-reviewed publications including law journals, documents, and case studies that explore topics such as criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical, labor & human resource law, ethics, and the environment. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1887-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Military & Government Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 academic journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for more than 400 titles. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting 1901-present; full text 1921-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

HD49-49.5 Crisis management. Emergency management


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

Center for Nonproliferation Studies (MIddlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey)

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Disaster Research Center (University of Delaware)

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Incident Management (Ready.gov)

United States Environmental Protection Agency Emergency Response

Professional Associations

International Association of Emergency Managers

National Emergency Management Association

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Services

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

AgeLine (EBSCOhost)

Provides aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy. AgeLine indexes over 200 journals, books, book chapters, and reports. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1937-present; full text 1978-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Associates Programs Source (EBSCOhost)

Contains nearly 1,000 full-text journals as well as 11 full-text books and provides comprehensive coverage of subjects such as alcohol & drug abuse counseling, audiology, computer & data processing, CAD, cosmetology, electrical technology, forensics, graphic arts, health information technology, law enforcement & criminal justice, and paralegal studies. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1890-present; full text 1985-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.


Covers articles from 2,928 journals in the fields of nursing, biomedicine, and consumer health. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present; full text 1981-present.

Consumer Health Complete (EBSCOHost)

Provides indexing and abstract and full text for 192 journals and magazines, 6 reference books, and 8 fact sheets and pamphlets, and offers more than 700 physician-generated videos with full-text transcripts and 248 animations. In addition to covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the varied perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine, Consumer Health Complete includes the Clinical Reference System and the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which provides access to up-to-date, concise, and clinically relevant drug monographs. The database is updated on a weekly basis. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1992-present; full text 1996-present.

Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text access to nearly 550 scholarly journals as well as the AHFS Consumer Medication Information, which features 1,300 generic drug information monographs with more than 4,700 brand names. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1946-present; full text 1958-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Provides indexing and access to full text for over 200 academic journals, 200 magazines, and 200 newsletters covering topics such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses indexing to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. This database is updated daily via PubMed. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1789-present; full text 1789-present.

Military & Government Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 academic journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for more than 400 titles. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting 1901-present; full text 1921-present.

SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for 550 journals, over 400 magazines, more than 230 books, 60 dissertations, and thousands of reports, all of which cover all areas of sports and sports medicine literature. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing: 1573-present; full text 1890-present.

Vocational and Career Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 340 trade and industry-related periodicals, and indexing and abstracts for over 600 journals. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting: 1901-present; full text 1985-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

RA645.5-645.9 Emergency medical services


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary

Provides a guide to the language of medicine with more than 39,000 medical terms and abbreviations, including pronunciations, brand names, and generic equivalents of common drugs. The database is updated regularly.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Primary Sources

Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1,196 U.S. and international newspapers and 150 newswires, all of which deliver more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database also includes 2.3 million television and radio news transcripts. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 2002-present.

Regional Business News (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

Web Resources


EMS World

EMS.gov (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)

NEMSIS: National EMS Information System (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)

Professional Associations

American Ambulance Association (ABA)

Kansas Emergency Medical Services Association (KEMSA)

National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)

National Association of State EMS Officials (NAEMSO)

National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove 1: Lab Tech / Jove 2: Cellular-Molecular

Provides thousands of peer-reviewed video research articles and video resources for scientific research and education in several disciplines including the physical and life sciences, medicine, and engineering. Articles include detailed text protocols and video demonstration of experiments. Coverage: Varies by title.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Computer Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications that cover the latest information and current trends in high technology. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1965-present; full text 1979-present.

Energy & Power Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of articles, benchmarks, and best practices selected from a multitude of trade and industry publications, as well as indexing for more than 1,000 journals, monographs, magazines, and trade publications. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1951-present; full text 1896-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than one million scholarly, government and general-interest titles, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records, on topics such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1913-present; full text 1898-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Legal Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for more than 250 scholarly peer-reviewed publications including law journals, documents, and case studies that explore topics such as criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical, labor & human resource law, ethics, and the environment. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1887-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering.

T351-385 Mechanical drawing. Engineering graphics.

TA1-2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General).

TC1-978 Hydraulic engineering.

TC1501-1800 Ocean engineering.

TD1-1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.

TE1-450 Highway engineering. Roads and pavements.

TF1-1620 Railroad engineering and operation.

TG1-470 Bridge engineering.

TH1-9745 Building construction.

TJ1-1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery.

TK1-9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.

TL500-777 Aeronautics. Aeronautical engineering.

TN1-997 Mining engineering. Metallurgy.

TP155-156 Chemical engineering.

TP480-498 Low temperature engineering. Cryogenic engineering. Refrigeration.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Military & Government Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 academic journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for more than 400 titles. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting 1901-present; full text 1921-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

History Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers a selection of over 250 historical eBook titles covering global topics from the ancient world through modern times. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2010-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.

Web Resources

National Science Foundation: Engineering

National Technical Reports Library (NTRL)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

ERIC: Educational Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Professional Development Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 520 education journals, including over 350 peer-reviewed titles, and more than 200 educational reports, and indexing and abstracts for more than 700 journals. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1930-present; full text 1930-present.

Read It / English Language Learner (EBSCOhost)

Provides full-text articles written to support English grammar and reading skills, with short comprehension tests. Topics include history, civics, culture, life skills, literature, and science. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1985-present.

Teacher Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracting and full text for 280 teacher and administrator journals and magazines, including 270 that are peer-reviewed. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting: 1984-present; full text 1984-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

P101-410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar

PE1-3729 English


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

ERIC: Educational Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Online Catalog

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Read It / English Language Learner (EBSCOhost)

Provides full-text articles written to support English grammar and reading skills, with short comprehension tests. Topics include history, civics, culture, life skills, literature, and science. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1985-present.

Recursos para Hispanohablantes / Resources for Spanish-Speakers (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to a learning center designed for Spanish language speakers that includes practice tests and tutorials for those wishing to improve their basic skills in reading, writing, and math or to study and prepare for the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) and U.S. citizenship tests. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Brinda acceso a un centro de aprendizaje diseñado para hispanohablantes que incluye pruebas de práctica y tutorías para aquellos que deseen mejorar sus habilidades básicas en lectura, escritura y matemáticas o estudiar y prepararse para el Diploma de equivalencia general (GED) y las pruebas de ciudadanía estadounidense. Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Daily Grammar

National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition

Prairie Ink (Barton Community College)

The Tutorium (University of Illinois- Chicago)

U.S. Department of State: American English

Using English.com

Voice of America: Learning English

Writing Style (Purdue OWL)

Professional Associations

American Medical Writers Association (AMWA)

American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)

Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP)

The Author's Guild

The Crime Writers' Association (CWA)

International Association of Professional Writers & Editors (IAPWE)

International Writing Centers Association (IWCA)

Kansas Writers Association (KWA)

Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Modern Language Association (MLA)

National Association of Independent Writers and Editors (NAIWE)

National Association of Science Writers (NASW)

National Sports Media Association (NSMA)

The Professional Writers' Alliance (PWA)

Society for Technical Communication 

Citation Styles

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Chicago Manual of Style

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Computer Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications that cover the latest information and current trends in high technology. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1965-present; full text 1979-present.

Energy & Power Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of articles, benchmarks, and best practices selected from a multitude of trade and industry publications, as well as indexing for more than 1,000 journals, monographs, magazines, and trade publications. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1951-present; full text 1896-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than one million scholarly, government and general-interest titles, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records, on topics such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1913-present; full text 1898-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Legal Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for more than 250 scholarly peer-reviewed publications including law journals, documents, and case studies that explore topics such as criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical, labor & human resource law, ethics, and the environment. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1887-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Military & Government Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 academic journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for more than 400 titles. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting 1901-present; full text 1921-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

G1-922 Geography (General)

G1000-3122 Atlases

G3160-3171 Globes

G3180-9980 Maps

GA1-1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.

Primary Sources

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Web Resources

American Geographical Society Library (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

American Geography Portal

EarthExplorer (U.S. Geological Survey)

Kansas Geographic Alliance (KGA)

National Geographic Society

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)

National Science Foundation: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences

Professional Associations

American Association of Geographers (AAG)

American Geographical Society (AGS)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Chicago Manual of Style

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Hazardous Materials
Hazardous Materials

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Computer Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications that cover the latest information and current trends in high technology. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1965-present; full text 1979-present.

Energy & Power Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of articles, benchmarks, and best practices selected from a multitude of trade and industry publications, as well as indexing for more than 1,000 journals, monographs, magazines, and trade publications. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1951-present; full text 1896-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than one million scholarly, government and general-interest titles, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records, on topics such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1913-present; full text 1898-present.

Health Source – Consumer Edition (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstract and full text access to nearly 80 consumer health magazines and over 1,000 health-related pamphlets covering topics such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, aging, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, and women's health. Additionally, Health Source – Consumer Edition contains more than 4,500 Clinical Reference Systems reports (in English and Spanish); AHFS Consumer Medication Information, which includes Drug information monographs written in lay language for consumers; and Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary. Full-text articles available in HTML. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text 1984-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Legal Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for more than 250 scholarly peer-reviewed publications including law journals, documents, and case studies that explore topics such as criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical, labor & human resource law, ethics, and the environment. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1887-present.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

TD1020-1066 Hazardous substances and their disposal


eBook Academic Collection (ESCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (ESCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (ESCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than one million scholarly, government and general-interest titles, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records, on topics such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1913-present; full text 1898-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

Military & Government Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 academic journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for more than 400 titles. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting 1901-present; full text 1921-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

CAMEO Chemicals

CHEMM (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

Emergency Response Guidebook (U.S. Department of Transportation)

International Association of Fire Fighters HazMat Training

Kansas State Fire Marshal Emergency Response

NIOSH Pocket Guide to Hazardous Chemicals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)


NIST Chemistry WebBook

WISER (National Laboratory of Medicine)

Professional Associations

Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals Heartland Chapter

Citation Styles

Journal of Hazardous Materials

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Health and Physical Education
Health and Physical Education

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Alt HealthWatch (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text articles for more than 180 international, often peer-reviewed journals and reports as well as hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research, and book excerpts. Alt HealthWatch provides in-depth coverage across the full spectrum of subject areas covered by complementary and alternative medicine and focuses on varied perspectives of holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text 1990-present.

Consumer Health Complete (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstract and full text for 192 journals and magazines, 6 reference books, and 8 fact sheets and pamphlets, and offers more than 700 physician-generated videos with full-text transcripts and 248 animations. In addition to covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the varied perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine, Consumer Health Complete includes the Clinical Reference System and the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which provides access to up-to-date, concise, and clinically relevant drug monographs. The database is updated on a weekly basis. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1992-present; full text 1996-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

Health Source – Consumer Edition (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstract and full text access to nearly 80 consumer health magazines and over 1,000 health-related pamphlets covering topics such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, aging, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, and women's health. Additionally, Health Source – Consumer Edition contains more than 4,500 Clinical Reference Systems reports (in English and Spanish); AHFS Consumer Medication Information, which includes Drug information monographs written in lay language for consumers; and Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary. Full-text articles available in HTML. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text 1984-present.

InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MedicLatina (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and access to full text for 130 peer-reviewed medical journals in native Spanish that cover topics such as neuroscience, cardiology, nephrology, biomedicine, clinical research, pediatrics, human reproduction, clinical pathology, cancer research, and hematology. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1998-present; full text 1998-present.


Provides indexing and access to full text for over 200 academic journals, 200 magazines, and 200 newsletters covering topics such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses indexing to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. This database is updated daily via PubMed. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1789-present; full text 1789-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for 550 journals, over 400 magazines, more than 230 books, 60 dissertations, and thousands of reports, all of which cover all areas of sports and sports medicine literature. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing: 1573-present; full text 1890-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

GV201-555 Physical education and training

RA773-788 Personal health and hygiene

RM695-893 Physical medicine. Physical therapy


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Consumer Health Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers a selection of over 360 full-text eBooks covering a broad range of general health topics, including cancer and diabetes; weight management and exercise; allergies; senior care; social emotional health; developmental disorders; and natural health. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2017-present.


Coronavirus Research Database (ProQuest)

Provides access to openly available content related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses, such as open-access journal articles, preprints, dissertations, and conference proceedings. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Health Reference Center

Provides access to thousands of journal articles and essays, 10,000 video clips, and 3,000 color illustrations on key areas of health, including children’s health, men’s health, senior health, teen health, and women’s health, and on more than 950 types of disease and disorder.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Web Resources

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

Barton County Health Department

Center for Disease Control (CDC)



IPUMS Global Health

Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)

Kansas Health Foundation

PubMed (National Library of Medicine)

United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

World Health Organization: Global Health Observatory (GHO)

Professional Associations

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)

National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA)

North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA)

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

American Public Health Association (APHA)

National Center for Health Education (NCHE)

Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

American Medical Association (AMA)

American Sociological Association (ASA)

Chicago Manual of Style

Council of Science Editors (CSE)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Art Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Features indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, and over 13,000 art dissertations, and indexing of almost 200,000 art reproductions. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present.

Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson)

Features full-text articles from more than 300 periodicals; indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, and over 13,000 art dissertations; and indexing of almost 200,000 art reproductions. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text  1995-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Gale Primary Sources: Smithsonian Collections Online

Provides digitized content from Air and Space Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine. These titles explore topics in aviation and space, including  the evolving modes of flight, and the areas of interest reflected in the Smithsonian Institution’s collections. Full-text scans available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1970-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

D1-2027 History (General).

DA1-995 History of Great Britain.

DAW 1001-1051 History of Central Europe.

DB1-3150 History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechoslovakia.

DC1-947 History of France.

DD1-905 History of Germany.

DE1-100 History of the Greco-Roman world.

DF10-951 History of Greece.

DG11-999 History of Italy.

DH1-925 History of Low Countries. Benelux Countries.

DJ1-500 History of Netherlands (Holland).

DJK1-77 History of Eastern Europe (General)

DK1-949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union, Former Soviet Republics.

DL1-1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia.

DP1-402 History of Spain.

DQ History of Switzerland.

DR1-2285 History of Balkan Peninsula.

DS1-937 History of Asia.

DT1-3415 History of Africa.

DU1-950 History of Oceania (South Seas).

E11-143 History of the Americas. America.

E151-909 History of the Americas. United States.

F1-975 History of the Americas. United States local history.

F1001-1145.2 History of the Americas. British America (including Canada).

F1170 History of the Americas. French America.

F1201-3799 History of the Americas. Latin America. Spanish America.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 32,000 entries in the authoritative bibliography “European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750.” This bibliographic index is a comprehensive guide to printed records archived at institutions such as the Huntington Library, Yale University, the Library of Congress, John Carter Brown Library, and the British Library. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1493-1750.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale Genealogy Connect

Contains over 580 full-text eBooks covering genealogy data and reference materials on genealogy research. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1835-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

History Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers a selection of over 250 historical eBook titles covering global topics from the ancient world through modern times. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2010-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOHost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Statistics and Data


Provides access to quantitative market and consumer data such as market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases for 170 industries in more than 50 countries. Results from over 18,000 sources are presented in a range of infographic tools for analysis and visualization. Among the database’s 80,000 topics are business, consumer markets, finance, the global digital economy, industrial sectors, macroeconomic trends, media, politics, and public opinion. Available metadata is shared for each statistic including but not limited to source, release date, number of respondents, and other pertinent details to enable verification of statistical information. Coverage: Generally, ten years for sectoral data and up to 30 years for macroeconomic time series; varies by sector and country.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Primary Sources

Fold3 (Ancestry.com)

Provides access to military records, including historical documents, personal recollections, and photographs of service members involved in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, World II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, as well as more recent conflicts. Non-military records include American Milestone Documents, the Anti-Slavery Manuscripts Collection, census population schedules, city directories, FBI Case Files, Homestead Records, and vital records. Many of the primary sources have been digitized from the collections of the U.S. National Archives, the National Archives of the United Kingdom, and other international repositories. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

HeritageQuest Online

Provides access to American genealogical records such as federal census, local and family histories, wills and probates, city directories, maps, vital records, and finding aids, as well as genealogical and historical sources for more than 60 countries. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Full text 1705-1994.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.

Gale Primary Sources: Archives Unbound

Provides  access to the digital collection “Kansas History: Territorial through Civil War, 1854-1865” drawn from the Sabin collection and other Gale sources. These 197 unpublished archival documents include personal narratives and memoirs, pamphlets and political speeches, sermons and songs, legal treatises and children's books related to Kansas history. Full-text contextual essays and primary documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1854-1865.

Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers

Provides digitized content from over 400 newspapers serving urban and rural regions throughout the United States. Full-text scans available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-1899.

InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Provides access to over 12,000 local, national, and international news sources, including newspapers, newswires, newsletters, news magazines, blogs, journals, transcripts from news programs, video, and web-only sources.  Languages include English, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: 1900-present.

Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1,196 U.S. and international newspapers and 150 newswires, all of which deliver more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database also includes 2.3 million television and radio news transcripts. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 2002-present.

Newswires (EBSCOhost)

Provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Current year.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Web Resources

American Archives: Documents of the American Revolution, 1774-1776 (Northern Illinois University)

American Battlefield Trust : See the extensive collection of battle maps available to instructors and students.

Ancient World Mapping Center (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy (Yale Law School)

Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States (University of Richmond)

The Bancroft Prizes

Civil War on the Western Border (Kansas City Public Library)

Clara Barton Papers (Duke University)

Clara Barton Papers (Library of Congress)

Clara Barton Papers (Smith College)

Clara Barton Papers (University of Maryland)

The Coming of the American Revolution, 1764-1776 (Massachusetts Historical Society)

Digital History (University of Houston)

Heterodox Academy (HxA)

International Encyclopedia of World War I

Internet History Sourcebooks Project (Fordham University)

Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition Online (University of Nebraska—Lincoln)

Kansas Historical Society

Kansas Newspaper Database (Kansas Historical Society)

Mapping Past Societies (Harvard University)

Military History Encyclopedia on the Web

Military Resources: American Revolution (National Archives and Records Administration)

Mine Creek Civil War Battlefield State Historic Site (Kansas History Society)

National Archives and Records Administration

National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)

National Museum of Civil War Medicine

National World War I Museum and Memorial

National World War II Museum

Online Library of Liberty (OLL)

Perseus Digital Library (Tufts University)

The Price of Freedom (Smithsonian National Museum of American History)

The Pulitzer Prizes

United States Census Bureau

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive (Texas Tech University)

The Wars for Viet Nam (Vassar College)

West Point History Atlases (U.S. Military Academy)

The World at War

World War I: A Resource Guide (Library of Congress)

Professional Associations

American Historical Association (AHA)

Kansas Association of Historians

Organization of American Historians (OAH)

Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)

Society for U.S. Intellectual History (S-USIH)

World History Association (WHA)

Citation Styles

Chicago Manual of Style

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Information Technology
Information Technology

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.



Provides a scholarly digital library and search engine primarily focused on computer and information science literature. Access provided by Pennsylvania State University College of Information Sciences and Technology.

Computer Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications that cover the latest information and current trends in high technology. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1965-present; full text 1979-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Provides access to over 12,000 local, national, and international news sources, including newspapers, newswires, newsletters, news magazines, blogs, journals, transcripts from news programs, video, and web-only sources.  Languages include English, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: 1900-present.

Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1,196 U.S. and international newspapers and 150 newswires, all of which deliver more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database also includes 2.3 million television and radio news transcripts. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 2002-present.

Newswires (EBSCOhost)

Provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Current year.

Semantic Scholar

Provides open access to over 200 million academic papers through an artificial intelligence-powered research tool. Topics include agriculture, biology, business, computer science, chemistry, economics, education, geography, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics, and psychology. Access provided by the Allen Institute for AI

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QA75.5-76.95 Electronic computers. Computer science

TK7885-7895 Computer engineering. Computer hardware


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

AI Ethicists

Allen Institute for AI

Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (Harvard University)

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)

Google Dataset Search

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (IAIED)

ISWorld Net Research and Scholarship

Management Information Systems Commons

National Science Foundation: Computer and Information Science and Engineering

National Security Agency 

Professional Associations

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Association for Women in Computing (AWC)

Association of Information Technology Professionals

The Computing Research Association

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Information Systems Research (MIT CISR)

Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP)

Citation Styles

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.


Contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, including more than 4.8 million citations of journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports related to agriculture. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Art Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Features indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, and over 13,000 art dissertations, and indexing of almost 200,000 art reproductions. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present.

Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson)

Features full-text articles from more than 300 periodicals; indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, and over 13,000 art dissertations; and indexing of almost 200,000 art reproductions. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text  1995-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

Computer Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications that cover the latest information and current trends in high technology. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1965-present; full text 1979-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

PN4699-5650 Journalism. The periodical press, etc.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Primary Sources

InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.


Provides access to over 12,000 local, national, and international news sources, including newspapers, newswires, newsletters, news magazines, blogs, journals, transcripts from news programs, video, and web-only sources.  Languages include English, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: 1900-present.

Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1,196 U.S. and international newspapers and 150 newswires, all of which deliver more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database also includes 2.3 million television and radio news transcripts. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 2002-present.

Newswires (EBSCOhost)

Provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Current year.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Web Resources

Ad Fontes Media


American Press Institute (API)

Associated Press (AP)

The Center for First Amendment Studies (California State University-Long Beach)

The Center for Media and Public Affairs (George Mason University)

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)

First Amendment Center (Freedom Forum Institute)

Kansas Newspaper Database (Kansas Historical Society)

Media Bias / Fact Check

Media Research Center


News Media Alliance

Pennsylvania Center for the First Amendment (Pennsylvania State University)

Pew Research Center News Habits & Media

Poynter Institute of Media Studies

United Press International (UPI)

Professional Associations

ACES: The Society for Editing

American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)

International Press Institute (IPI)

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)

The National Press Club

News Leaders Association (NLA)

Society for Professional Journalists (SPJ)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Associated Press (AP)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.

ERIC: Educational Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Military & Government Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 academic journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for more than 400 titles. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting 1901-present; full text 1921-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

BF1-990 Psychology.

HD 28-70 Management.

HD 38.2 Management of organizations.

HD 58.7-58.95 Leadership. Organizational behavior, change, and effectiveness.

HD 60 Management and ethics.

HD 66-66.2 Work groups. Team work in industry.

LB2801-3095 School administration and organization.

U102 Military science (General).

U150-155 Military science. Military planning

U161-163 Military science. Strategy.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

16 Personalities: Free Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Forbes - Leadership

General Resources and Research – U.S. Army Center of Military History

Kansas Leadership Center

The Military Leader

Online Library of Liberty (OLL)

Recommended Professional Reading List – U.S. Army Center of Military History

Stanford Center for Leadership Development and Research

The Strategy Bridge

TED Talks – How Great Leaders Inspire

U.S. Army Chief of Staff’s Professional Reading List

What’s Your Leadership Style? (University of Southern California)

Professional Associations

The American Leadership Development Association (ALDA)

American Management Association (AMA)

The American Society of Association Executive (ASAE)

International Leadership Association (ILA)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Life Sciences
Life Sciences

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.

Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove 1: Lab Tech / Jove 2: Cellular-Molecular

Provides thousands of peer-reviewed video research articles and video resources for scientific research and education in several disciplines including the physical and life sciences, medicine, and engineering. Articles include detailed text protocols and video demonstration of experiments. Coverage: Varies by title.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.


Contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, including more than 4.8 million citations of journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports related to agriculture. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Gale Presents: National Geographic Virtual Library

Provides access to digitized content from National Geographic Magazine. This title explores topics in the areas of science, history, technology, the environment, and cultures. Coverage: Full text 1888-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MedicLatina (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and access to full text for 130 peer-reviewed medical journals in native Spanish that cover topics such as neuroscience, cardiology, nephrology, biomedicine, clinical research, pediatrics, human reproduction, clinical pathology, cancer research, and hematology. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1998-present; full text 1998-present.


Provides indexing and access to full text for over 200 academic journals, 200 magazines, and 200 newsletters covering topics such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses indexing to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. This database is updated daily via PubMed. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1789-present; full text 1789-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QH301-705.5 Biology (General)


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QK1-989 Botany


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Anatomy & Physiology

Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QM1-695 Human anatomy

QP1-181 Physiology


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers access to nearly 10,000 eBooks in multiple disciplines. The collection was created in cooperation with university presses and scholarly publishers in the Open Access model, without DRM (digital rights management) restrictions. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1787-present.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QL1-991 Zoology


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers access to nearly 10,000 eBooks in multiple disciplines. The collection was created in cooperation with university presses and scholarly publishers in the Open Access model, without DRM (digital rights management) restrictions. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1787-present.

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Environmental Science

Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

GE1-350 Environmental sciences


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers access to nearly 10,000 eBooks in multiple disciplines. The collection was created in cooperation with university presses and scholarly publishers in the Open Access model, without DRM (digital rights management) restrictions. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1787-present.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Reference Works


Coronavirus Research Database (ProQuest)

Provides access to openly available content related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses, such as open-access journal articles, preprints, dissertations, and conference proceedings. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Web Resources


American Society for Bioethics and Humanities

BIODIC: The Ultrastructure Website

The Biology Project (University of Arizona)

Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature

Google Dataset Search

Learn Genetics (University of Utah)

National Science Foundation: Biological Sciences

NCBI Bookshelf

PhET Interactive Simulations for Science and Math: Biology (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Science.gov Alliance

Tree of Life Web Project

Understanding Evolution (University of California at Berkeley)



Biodiversity Heritage Library

Google Dataset Search

National Museum of Natural History Research and Collections (Smithsonian Institution)

PLANTS Database (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service)

Science.gov Alliance


Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy Models (University of Colorado at Boulder)

BIODIC: The Ultrastructure Website


Google Dataset Search

Muscle Atlas (University of Washington Department of Radiology)

Science.gov Alliance

TeachMe Anatomy

The Visible Human Project (National Library of Medicine)

The Whole Brain Atlas (Harvard Medical School)



Animal Diversity Web (University of Michigan)


Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Global Invasive Species Database

Google Dataset Search

International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature

Invasive and Exotic Species of North America (Invasive.org)

National Museum of Natural History Division of Mammals (Smithsonian Institution)

National Museum of Natural History Research and Collections (Smithsonian Institution)

The Ornithological Council

Science.gov Alliance


Environmental Science

Climate Central

Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (U.S. Geological Survey)

Global Climate Change (National Aeronautical and Space Administration)

Google Dataset Search

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (University of California at Santa Barbara)

National Science Foundation: Environmental Research and Education

The Nature Conservancy

PhET Interactive Simulations for Science and Math: Earth Science (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Rangelands Gateway

Science.gov Alliance

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Water Topics (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Professional Associations

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)

American Society for Microbiology (ASM)

American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)

American Society of Mammalogists (ASM)

American Society of Parasitologists (ASP)

American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)

Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS)

Botanical Society of America (BSA)

Ecological Society of America (ESA)

Entomological Society of America (ESA)

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

International Society for Environmental Ethics (ISEE)

International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS)

Society for Developmental Biology (SDB)

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)

Society for Neuroscience (SfN)

Philosophy of Science Association

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Council of Science Editors (CSE)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.



InfoBase/Bloom’s Literature

Provides full-text access to literature resources and criticism selected by noted literary expert Harold Bloom, including the “How to Write About,” “Shakespeare Center,” and “Bloom’s Literary Canon.” The database offers over 1,000 eBook classics and 2,600 poems, more than 4,000 Publisher’s Weekly interviews, and more than 400 full-length videos of classics plays and films as well as overviews, synopses, analyses, peer-reviewed journal articles, and literary criticism of thousands of literary works. Coverage: Varies by topic and format.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

PA3000-3049 Classical literature

PA3050-4505 Greek literature

PA5000-5660 Byzantine and modern Greek literature

PA6000-6971 Roman literature

PA8001-8595 Medieval and modern Latin literature

PQ1-3999 French literature

PQ6001-8929 Spanish literature

PQ9000-9999 Portuguese literature

PR1-9680 English literature

PS1-3626 American literature

PT1-4897 German literature

PZ1-4 Fiction in English


Book Collection Nonfiction: Elementary School Edition (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for more than 1,290 popular nonfiction books that include high interest, cross-curricular titles on animals, weather, holidays, Native Americans, United States, Canada, biographies, and civics. Full-text book chapters available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 1921-present.

Book Collection Nonfiction: High School Edition (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for more than 2,440 popular nonfiction books that include high interest, cross-curricular titles on careers, health, ethnicity, disabilities, technology, biographies, music, science, history, and civics. Full-text book chapters available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 1958-present.

Book Collection Nonfiction: Middle School Edition (EBSCOhost)

Contains informative abstracts and searchable full text for more than 3,100 popular nonfiction books that include high interest, cross-curricular titles on careers, health, ethnicity, disabilities, technology, biographies, history, science, women, and civics. Full-text book chapters available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 1921-present.

Book Collection: Nonfiction (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for more than 4,100 popular nonfiction books that include high interest, cross-curricular titles on core subject areas, as well as information on careers, health, sports, adventure, technology, and life skills. Full-text book chapters available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 2022-present.

eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale Literary Index

Provides coverage of authors and title listing from over 130 literature products published by Gale and the imprints Charles Scribner’s Sons, St. James Press, and Twayne Publishers.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale Literary Index

Provides coverage of authors and title listing from over 130 literature products published by Gale and the imprints Charles Scribner’s Sons, St. James Press, and Twayne Publishers.

Literary Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for eBook titles covering a broad range of literary-related subjects including literary criticism, study guides, and classics. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2001-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Primary Texts

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Web Resources

Academy of American Poets

African American Women Writers of the 19th Century

Association for Library Service to Children (American Library Association)


A Celebration of Women Writers

Center for Mark Twain Studies


The Dickens Project (University of California-Santa Cruz)

Discovering Literature: Romantics and Victorians

The Edgar Allen Poe Society of Baltimore

The Edgar Awards (Mystery Writers of America)

The Encyclopedia of Fantasy

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction

Folger Shakespeare Library

Great Writers Inspire

Harvard College Writing Center (Harvard University)

The Hugo Awards (World Science Fiction Society)

The Jane Austen Society of North America

The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism

The Literature Network

LiteraryHistory.com: An Internet Library of Literary Scholarship

Mark Twain Project (University of California)

The National Willa Cather Center

The Nebula Awards (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association)

Perspectives in American Literature


The Poetry Archive

Poetry Center Digital Archive

The Poetry Foundation

Poetry in Translation

The Pulitzer Prizes

Read the Great Books

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Spur Awards (Western Writers of America)

The Tennysons Archive (University of Cambridge)

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae® (University of California, Irvine)

We Love Translations

The William Blake Archive

The Writing Center (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Professional Associations

Academy of American Poets

American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)

American Literature Association (ALA)

American Literary Translators Association (ALTA)

American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)

Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers (ALSCW)

The Children's Book Council (CBC)

The Historical Novel Society

International Thriller Writers (ITW)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Mystery Writers of America (MWA)

Poetry Society of America (PSA)

Romance Writers of America (RWA)

World Science Fiction Society (WSFS)

Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing

Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)

Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI)

Western Literature Association (WLA)

Western Writers of America (WWA)

World Science Fiction Society (WSFS)

Citation Styles

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QA1-939 Mathematics


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Web Resources

ARXIV: Math (Cornell University)

Math2: Math Reference Tables



MathSciNet Mathematical Reviews

National Science Foundation: Mathematical and Physical Sciences

PhET Interactive Simulations for Science and Math: Math (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Resources for Undergraduate Students (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)

S.O.S. MATHematics

Wolfram MathWorld

Professional Associations

American Mathematical Society (AMS)

Mathematical Association of America (MAA)

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Council of Science Editors (CSE)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Modern Language
Modern Language

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.


Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

P1-85 Philology. Linguistics (General)

P101-410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar

PB1-3029 Modern language. Celtic languages

PC 2001-3761 French language

PC4001-4977 Spanish language

PF3001-5999 German language


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Web Resources

Centro Virtual Cervantes


German Text Archive

Goethe Institut

La Banque de Dépannage Linguistique

The Mezzofanti Guild

Omniglot: The Online Encyclopedia of Writing Systems & Languages

Real Academia Espanola 

Thought Co.: Language Learning Resources

U.S. Department of Education Office of English Language Acquisition


Professional Associations

American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)

American Dialect Society (ADS)

Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)

International Phonetic Association (IPA)

Linguistic Society of America (LSA)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase/Bloom’s Literature

Provides full-text access to literature resources and criticism selected by noted literary expert Harold Bloom, including the “How to Write About,” “Shakespeare Center,” and “Bloom’s Literary Canon.” The database offers over 1,000 eBook classics and 2,600 poems, more than 4,000 Publisher’s Weekly interviews, and more than 400 full-length videos of classics plays and films as well as overviews, synopses, analyses, peer-reviewed journal articles, and literary criticism of thousands of literary works. Coverage: Varies by topic and format.

InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

M1-5000 Music

ML1-3930 Literature on music

MT1-960 Instruction and study


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Web Resources


Munich Digitization Center Digital Library (Bavarian State Library)

Beethoven-Haus Bonn

Contemporary Music Score Collection (UCLA Music Library)

Cylinder Audio Archive (University of California-Santa Barbara)

The Global Jukebox

International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)

Juilliard Manuscript Collection

Library of Congress Performing Arts Databases

Loeb Musical Library (Harvard University)

Music Manuscripts Online (The Morgan Library & Museum)


Naxos Music Group

Neue Mozart-Ausgabe

Online Chopin Variorum Edition

Open Music Archive

Oxford Music Online

Professional Associations

American Federation of Musicians (AFM)

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)

Americana Music Association (AMA)

Gospel Music Association

The Latin Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences

Music Artists Coalition (MAC)

Music Business Association (Music Biz)

National Music Publishers' Association (NMPA)

Songwriters of North America (SONA)

Citation Styles

Chicago Manual of Style

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.


InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.

Nursing & Allied Health Premium (ProQuest)

Provides a broad range of peer-reviewed scholarly journal and magazine articles, eBooks, clinical training videos, reference materials, dissertations, and evidence-based resources for nursing research, clinical skills development, and curriculum support. Topics include allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, geriatrics, nursing, physiology and anatomy, and public health. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: 1870s to the present.

Nursing and Mental Health in Video (Alexander Street)

Features over 240 videos of the most common mental health disorders encountered by nurses in emergency room, primary care, psychiatric, and other settings. The collection assists students in understanding, assessing, and managing mental health issues that often present themselves alongside physical conditions. Scenarios include over 20 patient cases that demonstrate skills such as limit setting, diffusing of anger, patient negotiations, phrasing of questions, and use of assessments. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: 2018.

Nursing Education in Video (Alexander Street)

Provides access to Medcom-Trainex's complete collection of 300+ full-length demonstration and training videos training videos covering numerous skill sets, issues and other aspects of professional practice, administration, and management. Topics include assessment, administration, basic clinical skills, communication, infection control, and patient care. Access is provided by the State Library of Kansas. Updates vary. Coverage: 1987-2021.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Alt HealthWatch (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text articles for more than 180 international, often peer-reviewed journals and reports as well as hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research, and book excerpts. Alt HealthWatch provides in-depth coverage across the full spectrum of subject areas covered by complementary and alternative medicine and focuses on varied perspectives of holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text 1990-present.


Covers articles from 2,928 journals in the fields of nursing, biomedicine, and consumer health. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present; full text 1981-present.

Consumer Health Complete (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstract and full text for 192 journals and magazines, 6 reference books, and 8 fact sheets and pamphlets, and offers more than 700 physician-generated videos with full-text transcripts and 248 animations. In addition to covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the varied perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine, Consumer Health Complete includes the Clinical Reference System and the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which provides access to up-to-date, concise, and clinically relevant drug monographs. The database is updated on a weekly basis. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1992-present; full text 1996-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

Health Source – Consumer Edition (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstract and full text access to nearly 80 consumer health magazines and over 1,000 health-related pamphlets covering topics such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, aging, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, and women's health. Additionally, Health Source – Consumer Edition contains more than 4,500 Clinical Reference Systems reports (in English and Spanish); AHFS Consumer Medication Information, which includes Drug information monographs written in lay language for consumers; and Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary. Full-text articles available in HTML. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text 1984-present.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text access to nearly 550 scholarly journals as well as the AHFS Consumer Medication Information, which features 1,300 generic drug information monographs with more than 4,700 brand names. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1946-present; full text 1958-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MedicLatina (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and access to full text for 130 peer-reviewed medical journals in native Spanish that cover topics such as neuroscience, cardiology, nephrology, biomedicine, clinical research, pediatrics, human reproduction, clinical pathology, cancer research, and hematology. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1998-present; full text 1998-present.


Provides indexing and access to full text for over 200 academic journals, 200 magazines, and 200 newsletters covering topics such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses indexing to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. This database is updated daily via PubMed. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1789-present; full text 1789-present.

Nursing & Allied Health Premium (ProQuest)

Provides a broad range of peer-reviewed scholarly journal and magazine articles, eBooks, clinical training videos, reference materials, dissertations, and evidence-based resources for nursing research, clinical skills development, and curriculum support. Topics include allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, geriatrics, nursing, physiology and anatomy, and public health. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: 1870s to the present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

RT1-120 Nursing


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Nursing & Allied Health Premium (ProQuest)

Provides a broad range of peer-reviewed scholarly journal and magazine articles, eBooks, clinical training videos, reference materials, dissertations, and evidence-based resources for nursing research, clinical skills development, and curriculum support. Topics include allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, geriatrics, nursing, physiology and anatomy, and public health. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: 1870s to the present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Statistics and Data


Provides access to quantitative market and consumer data such as market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases for 170 industries in more than 50 countries. Results from over 18,000 sources are presented in a range of infographic tools for analysis and visualization. Among the database’s 80,000 topics are business, consumer markets, finance, the global digital economy, industrial sectors, macroeconomic trends, media, politics, and public opinion. Available metadata is shared for each statistic including but not limited to source, release date, number of respondents, and other pertinent details to enable verification of statistical information. Coverage: Generally, ten years for sectoral data and up to 30 years for macroeconomic time series; varies by sector and country.

Reference Works



Coronavirus Research Database (ProQuest)

Provides access to openly available content related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses, such as open-access journal articles, preprints, dissertations, and conference proceedings. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Health Reference Center

Provides access to thousands of journal articles and essays, 10,000 video clips, and 3,000 color illustrations on key areas of health, including children’s health, men’s health, senior health, teen health, and women’s health, and on more than 950 types of disease and disorder.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Provides access to databases offering comprehensive drug, disease, and toxicology-oriented information, including drug identification, packaging information, interaction and contraindication information, drug prices, international formulations, occupational safety sheets, and safety in pregnancy. Coverage: Varies by title.

Web Resources

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

Barton County Health Department

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Clara Barton Papers (Duke University)

Clara Barton Papers (Library of Congress)

Clara Barton Papers (Smith College)

Clara Barton Papers (University of Maryland)



IPUMS Global Health

Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)

Kansas Health Foundation

National Cancer Institute

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Pratt County Health Department

PubMed (National Library of Medicine)

Office on Women’s Health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

World Health Organization: Global Health Observatory (GHO)

Professional Associations

American Academy of Nursing (AAN)

The American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS)

American Nurses Association (ANA)

Association of Nursing Professional Development (ANPD)

Emergency Nurses Association (ENA)

International Council of Nurses (ICN)

International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses (ISPN)

Kansas State Nurses Association (KSNA)

National League for Nursing (NLN)

National Student Nurses' Association (ASNA)


Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Occupational Safety & Health Administration

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.


Covers articles from 2,928 journals in the fields of nursing, biomedicine, and consumer health. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present; full text 1981-present.

Energy & Power Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of articles, benchmarks, and best practices selected from a multitude of trade and industry publications, as well as indexing for more than 1,000 journals, monographs, magazines, and trade publications. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1951-present; full text 1896-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Provides indexing and access to full text for over 200 academic journals, 200 magazines, and 200 newsletters covering topics such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses indexing to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. This database is updated daily via PubMed. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1789-present; full text 1789-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

T55-55.3 Industrial safety. Industrial accident prevention.



Contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, including more than 4.8 million citations of journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports related to agriculture. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present.

eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Coronavirus Research Database (ProQuest)

Provides access to openly available content related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses, such as open-access journal articles, preprints, dissertations, and conference proceedings. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

Web Resources

Bureau of Labor Statistics (U.S. Department of Labor)

Code of Federal Regulation Title 40

Kansas Department of Labor Industrial Safety and Health Division

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (U.S. Department of Labor)

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Professional Associations

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)

American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP)

National Safety Council (NSC)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technician

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Health Reference Center

Provides access to thousands of journal articles and essays, 10,000 video clips, and 3,000 color illustrations on key areas of health, including children’s health, men’s health, senior health, teen health, and women’s health, and on more than 950 types of disease and disorder.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Alt HealthWatch (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text articles for more than 180 international, often peer-reviewed journals and reports as well as hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research, and book excerpts. Alt HealthWatch provides in-depth coverage across the full spectrum of subject areas covered by complementary and alternative medicine and focuses on varied perspectives of holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text 1990-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.


Covers articles from 2,928 journals in the fields of nursing, biomedicine, and consumer health. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present; full text 1981-present.

Consumer Health Complete (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstract and full text for 192 journals and magazines, 6 reference books, and 8 fact sheets and pamphlets, and offers more than 700 physician-generated videos with full-text transcripts and 248 animations. In addition to covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the varied perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine, Consumer Health Complete includes the Clinical Reference System and the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which provides access to up-to-date, concise, and clinically relevant drug monographs. The database is updated on a weekly basis. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1992-present; full text 1996-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.

Health Source – Consumer Edition (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and abstract and full text access to nearly 80 consumer health magazines and over 1,000 health-related pamphlets covering topics such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, aging, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, and women's health. Additionally, Health Source – Consumer Edition contains more than 4,500 Clinical Reference Systems reports (in English and Spanish); AHFS Consumer Medication Information, which includes Drug information monographs written in lay language for consumers; and Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary. Full-text articles available in HTML. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text 1984-present.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text access to nearly 550 scholarly journals as well as the AHFS Consumer Medication Information, which features 1,300 generic drug information monographs with more than 4,700 brand names. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1946-present; full text 1958-present.

InfoBase Health Reference Center

Provides access to thousands of journal articles and essays, 10,000 video clips, and 3,000 color illustrations on key areas of health, including children’s health, men’s health, senior health, teen health, and women’s health, and on more than 950 types of disease and disorder.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Provides indexing and access to full text for over 200 academic journals, 200 magazines, and 200 newsletters covering topics such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses indexing to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. This database is updated daily via PubMed. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1789-present; full text 1789-present.

Nursing & Allied Health Premium (ProQuest)

Provides a broad range of peer-reviewed scholarly journal and magazine articles, eBooks, clinical training videos, reference materials, dissertations, and evidence-based resources for nursing research, clinical skills development, and curriculum support. Topics include allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, geriatrics, nursing, physiology and anatomy, and public health. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: 1870s to the present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text for nearly 400 periodicals and over 450 reference books as well as reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, and videos. The database is updated daily. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1980-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

RA 398 Registration of physicians, pharmacists, etc.

RM 138 - 950 Therapy. Pharmacology

RS 125 - 441 Pharmacy and materia medica


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Statistics and Data


Provides access to quantitative market and consumer data such as market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases for 170 industries in more than 50 countries. Results from over 18,000 sources are presented in a range of infographic tools for analysis and visualization. Among the database’s 80,000 topics are business, consumer markets, finance, the global digital economy, industrial sectors, macroeconomic trends, media, politics, and public opinion. Available metadata is shared for each statistic including but not limited to source, release date, number of respondents, and other pertinent details to enable verification of statistical information. Coverage: Generally, ten years for sectoral data and up to 30 years for macroeconomic time series; varies by sector and country.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Provides access to databases offering comprehensive drug, disease, and toxicology-oriented information, including drug identification, packaging information, interaction and contraindication information, drug prices, international formulations, occupational safety sheets, and safety in pregnancy. Coverage: Varies by title.

Primary Sources


Provides access to over 12,000 local, national, and international news sources, including newspapers, newswires, newsletters, news magazines, blogs, journals, transcripts from news programs, video, and web-only sources.  Languages include English, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: 1900-present.

Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1,196 U.S. and international newspapers and 150 newswires, all of which deliver more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database also includes 2.3 million television and radio news transcripts. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 2002-present.

Regional Business News (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Full text 1969-present.

Web Resources

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

Barton County Health Department

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

ClincialTrials.gov (National Library of Medicine)

DailyMed (National Library of Medicine)



IPUMS Global Health

Kansas Board of Pharmacy 

Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)

Kansas Health Foundation

Merck Manual - Professional Version

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Prescriber's Digital Reference (PDR)

PubMed (National Library of Medicine)

Office on Women’s Health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

World Health Organization: Global Health Observatory (GHO)

Professional Associations

American Association of Pharmacy Technicians (AAPT)

American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP)

National Pharmacy Technician Association (NPTA)

Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Art Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Features indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, and over 13,000 art dissertations, and indexing of almost 200,000 art reproductions. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present.

Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson)

Features full-text articles from more than 300 periodicals; indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, and over 13,000 art dissertations; and indexing of almost 200,000 art reproductions. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1984-present; full text  1995-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.


Covers articles from 2,928 journals in the fields of nursing, biomedicine, and consumer health. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present; full text 1981-present.

Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Fuente Acamédica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Provides indexing and access to full text for over 200 academic journals, 200 magazines, and 200 newsletters covering topics such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses indexing to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. This database is updated daily via PubMed. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1789-present; full text 1789-present.

Religion and Philosophy Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 300 journals covering such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy, and the history of philosophy. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1924-present.

SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for 550 journals, over 400 magazines, more than 230 books, 60 dissertations, and thousands of reports, all of which cover all areas of sports and sports medicine literature. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing: 1573-present; full text 1890-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

B1-5802 Philosophy

BC1-199 Logic

BD10-701 Speculative philosophy

BJ1-1725 Ethics


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

History Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non- fiction books; 150 history periodicals; nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1810-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Literary Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Combines full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), over 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, over 6,500 author interviews, and more than 8,200 classic texts. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1800-present.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources


Classics of Western Philosophy


Educating for Intellectual Virtues

Ethics Updates

Heterodox Academy (HxA)

History of Philosophy

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Lander Philosophy Pages

Online Library of Liberty (OLL)

Oxford Companion to Philosophy

The Philosopher's Magazine

Philosophy Since the Enlightenment

ProCon.org (Britannica)

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae® (University of California, Irvine)

Professional Associations

American Philosophical Association (APA)

American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT)

American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

American Philosophical Practitioners Association (APPA)

American Society for Aesthetics (ASA)

Ancient Philosophy Society

Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE)

Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL)

Community College Humanities Association (CCHA)

European Society of Analytic Philosophy (ESAP)

International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP)

International Society for Neoplatonic Studies

Metaphysical Society of America

North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP)

Society for Applied Philosophy

Society for Philosophy and Psychology

Society for Women in Philosophy

Citation Styles

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Chicago Manual of Style

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Physical Science
Physical Science

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.

Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove 1: Lab Tech / Jove 2: Cellular-Molecular

Provides thousands of peer-reviewed video research articles and video resources for scientific research and education in several disciplines including the physical and life sciences, medicine, and engineering. Articles include detailed text protocols and video demonstration of experiments. Coverage: Varies by title.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Gale Primary Sources: Smithsonian Collections Online

Provides digitized content from Air and Space Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine. These titles explore topics in aviation and space, including  the evolving modes of flight, and the areas of interest reflected in the Smithsonian Institution’s collections. Full-text scans available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1970-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QE1-996.5 Geology


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Physical Geography

Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

GB3-5030 Physical geography

GC1-1581 Oceanography


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QC851-999 Meteorology. Climatology


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.



Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QB1-991 Astronomy


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Jove 1: Lab Tech / Jove 2: Cellular-Molecular

Provides thousands of peer-reviewed video research articles and video resources for scientific research and education in several disciplines including the physical and life sciences, medicine, and engineering. Articles include detailed text protocols and video demonstration of experiments. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Web Resources


American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database (Mineralogical Society of America and the Mineralogical Association of Canada)

EarthExplorer (U.S. Geological Survey)

Earth System Science Center (Pennsylvania State University)

Geology and Earth Science News and Information (Geology.com)

Google Dataset Search

Kansas Geological Survey (University of Kansas)

Kansas High Plains Aquifer Atlas (Kansas Geological Survey)

Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data (U.S. Geological Survey)

Mineralogy Database (Hudson Institute of Mineralogy)

National Geologic Map Database (U.S. Geological Survey)

National Park Service Geodiversity Atlas

National Technical Reports Library (NTRL)

United States Geological Survey (U.S. Department of the Interior)

United States Geological Survey Publications Warehouse


Physical Geography

American Geography Portal

Earth Science World (American Geosciences Institute)

European Soil Data Centre (European Union Joint Research Centre)

Google Dataset Search

National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis

National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (U.S. Geologic Survey)

National Geographic Society

The National Map (National Geospatial Program, U.S. Geological Survey)

United States Board on Geographic Names (U.S. Geological Survey)

United States Geological Survey Publications Warehouse

University of Texas Institute for Geophysics

WolframAlpha: Physical Geography



Climate Change (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Climate Data Library (Columbia University International Research Institute for Climate and Society)

Google Dataset Search

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Technical Reports Library (NTRL)

National Weather Service

National Science Foundation: Geosciences



Ancient-Skies: Human Cultures and Their Skies

The Dunhuang Chinese Sky: A Comprehensive Study of the Oldest Known Star Atlas

Google Dataset Search

National Aeronautical and Space Administration


National Science Foundation: Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Native Skywatchers

Portal to the Heritage of Astronomy (UNESCO)

Professional Associations


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

American Geological Institute (AGI)

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)

The Geological Society of America (GSA)

Geoscience Information Society (GSIS)

Google Dataset Search

Kansas Geological Society (KGS) and Library


Physical Geography

American Association of Geographers (AAG)

American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ASPRS)

Google Dataset Search

University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS)



American Meteorological Society (AMS)

Google Dataset Search

World Meteorological Organization (WMO)



American Astronomical Society

Google Dataset Search

International Astronomical Union

Philosophy of Science Association

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.

Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove 1: Lab Tech / Jove 2: Cellular-Molecular

Provides thousands of peer-reviewed video research articles and video resources for scientific research and education in several disciplines including the physical and life sciences, medicine, and engineering. Articles include detailed text protocols and video demonstration of experiments. Coverage: Varies by title.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Gale Primary Sources: Smithsonian Collections Online

Provides digitized content from Air and Space Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine. These titles explore topics in aviation and space, including  the evolving modes of flight, and the areas of interest reflected in the Smithsonian Institution’s collections. Full-text scans available in PDF. Coverage: Full text 1970-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

QC1-75 General

QC81-114 Weights and measures.

QC120-168.85 Descriptive and experimental mechanics.

QC170-197 Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter.

QC221-246 Acoustics. Sound.

QC251-338.5 Heat.

QC350-467 Optics. Light.

QC474-496.9 Radiation physics (General).

QC501-766 Electricity and magnetism.

QC770-798 Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity.

QC801-809 Geophysics. Cosmic physics.

QC811-849 Geomagnetism.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

InfoBase Science Online

Provides full-text access to proprietary book and journal articles, images and video clips with transcripts, topic-specific timelines, tables, charts, and diagrams, all of which cover a wide range of scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, space and astronomy, and physics. Coverage: 2008-present.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Jove 1: Lab Tech / Jove 2: Cellular-Molecular

Provides thousands of peer-reviewed video research articles and video resources for scientific research and education in several disciplines including the physical and life sciences, medicine, and engineering. Articles include detailed text protocols and video demonstration of experiments. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Web Resources

Argonne National Laboratory

Berkeley Laboratory Physics Division

Brookhaven National Laboratory Physics Department

Center for History of Physics (American Institute of Physics)

CERN Scientific Information Service

The Feynman Lectures on Physics

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

National Science Foundation: Mathematical and Physical Sciences

National Technical Reports Library (NTRL)

NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (U.S. Department of Energy)

PhET Interactive Simulations for Science and Math: Physics (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Physics to Go


WolframAlpha Physics

WWW Virtual Library: Physics

Professional Associations

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)

American Institute of Physics (AIP)

American Physical Society (APS)

Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

Philosophy of Science Association

Citation Styles

Council of Science Editors (CSE)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)


Political Science
Political Science

Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.


Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Military & Government Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 academic journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for more than 400 titles. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting 1901-present; full text 1921-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

J1-981 General legislative and executive papers

JA1-92 Political science (General)

JC11-605 Political theory. The state. The theories of the state.

JF20-2112 Political institutions and public administration

JJ1000-1019 Political institutions and public administrations (North America)

JK1-9993 Political institutions and public administrations (United States)

JL1-3899 Political institutions and public administrations (Canada, Latin America, etc.)

JN1-9689 Political institutions and public administrations (Europe)

JQ21-6651 Political institutions and public administrations (Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific Area, etc.)

JS39-8500 Local government. Municipal government

JV1-9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration.

JZ5-6530 International relations


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies (EBSCOhost)

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

Kansas Government Information (KGI) Online Library

Provides an archive of official publications issued by Kansas state agencies, commissions, and institutions. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Military & Government Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 300 academic journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for more than 400 titles. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting 1901-present; full text 1921-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Statistics and Data


Provides access to quantitative market and consumer data such as market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases for 170 industries in more than 50 countries. Results from over 18,000 sources are presented in a range of infographic tools for analysis and visualization. Among the database’s 80,000 topics are business, consumer markets, finance, the global digital economy, industrial sectors, macroeconomic trends, media, politics, and public opinion. Available metadata is shared for each statistic including but not limited to source, release date, number of respondents, and other pertinent details to enable verification of statistical information. Coverage: Generally, ten years for sectoral data and up to 30 years for macroeconomic time series; varies by sector and country.

Primary Sources


Provides access to over 12,000 local, national, and international news sources, including newspapers, newswires, newsletters, news magazines, blogs, journals, transcripts from news programs, video, and web-only sources.  Languages include English, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: 1900-present.

Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1,196 U.S. and international newspapers and 150 newswires, all of which deliver more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database also includes 2.3 million television and radio news transcripts. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 2002-present.

Newswires (EBSCOhost)

Provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. Full text available in HTML. Coverage: Current year.

Web Resources

Academic Freedom Alliance

Academic Freedom Index (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Institute of Political Science)

The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy (Yale Law School)

Center for American Women and Politics (Rutgers University)


Cook Political Report

European Union


Foreign Relations of the United States (U.S. Department of State)

Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE)


Heterodox Academy (HxA)

The Jamestown Foundation

National Constitution Center

National Security Archive (George Washington University)

Online Library of Liberty (OLL)


Political Database of the Americas (Georgetown University)

Rasmussen Reports

Real Clear Politics

Trafalgar Group

United States Census Bureau

United States Department of State

Professional Associations

American Foreign Service Association (AFSA)

American Political Science Association

Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO)

European Political Science Association

International Political Science Association

International Studies Association

Latin American Studies Association

Citation Styles

American Political Science Association (APSA)

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.


Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MedicLatina (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and access to full text for 130 peer-reviewed medical journals in native Spanish that cover topics such as neuroscience, cardiology, nephrology, biomedicine, clinical research, pediatrics, human reproduction, clinical pathology, cancer research, and hematology. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1998-present; full text 1998-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Psychology and Behavioral Science Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracting and full text for nearly 400 journals and periodicals, which discuss topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracting: Current year; full text 1930-previous year.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

BF1-990 Psychology


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

MasterFILE Primer (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

Web Resources

Careers in Psychology

Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Mental Health

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Heterodox Academy (HxA)

National Institute of Mental Health

National Science Foundation: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences

Psych Web

Professional Associations

American Board of Forensic Psychology (ABFP)

American Psychiatric Association (APA)

American Psychological Association (APA)

Association for Psychological Science (APS)

National Philosophical Counseling Association (NPCA)

Society for Philosophy and Psychology

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Darren Ivey

Room L-108

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management-Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services, Geography, Hazardous Materials, History, Journalism, Leadership, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion.



InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase World News Digest

Provides full text for more than 300,000 articles from national and international newspapers that include biographies, country profiles, editorials and editorial cartoons, historical documents, obituaries, overviews of historic events, research features, and special reports. World News Digest also offers access to news graphics and historical video footage. The database is continuously updated. Coverage: Full text: 1940-present.


Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Religion and Philosophy Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 300 journals covering such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy, and the history of philosophy. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1924-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

BL1-2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism

BM1-990 Judaism

BP1-610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.

BQ1-9800 Buddhism

BR1-1725 Christianity

BS1-2970 The Bible

BT10-1480 Doctrinal theology

BV1-5099 Practical theology

BX1-9999 Christian denominations



Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

History Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Offers a selection of over 250 historical eBook titles covering global topics from the ancient world through modern times. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2010-present.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Academic Bible

The Association of Religion Data Archives

Bible Hub

Bible Research

Biblical Archaeology Society

Blue Letter Bible

Catholic Encyclopedia

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls (The Israel Museum)

International Religious Freedom Report (U.S. Department of State)


Museum of the Bible

Oxford Religion Encyclopedia


Professional Associations

American Catholic Philosophical Association

Association for the Philosophy of Judaism (APJ)

Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience (SoPheRe)

Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)

Society of Christian Philosophers

Citation Styles

Chicago Manual of Style

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.


InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.

InfoBase Today’s Science

Provides full text access to more than 6,000 articles and 800 Q&As, with an extensive backfile, as well as interactive crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons, interviews, 2,000 biographies, hundreds of videos, a glossary of scientific terms and principles, and more than 20,000 images, photographs, diagrams, and charts. Topics include anthropology, astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and technology. Coverage: 1992-present.


AgeLine (EBSCOhost)

Provides aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy. AgeLine indexes over 200 journals, books, book chapters, and reports. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1937-present; full text 1978-present.


Contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, including more than 4.8 million citations of journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports related to agriculture. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present.

Fuente Académica (EBSCOhost)

Offers indexing and abstracts and full text of more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. The database is updated weekly. Full-text documents available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1968-present; full text 1940-present.

Ofrece indexación y resúmenes y texto completo de más de 450 revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España, con especial énfasis en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología. La base de datos se actualiza semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponibles en HTML y PDF. Cobertura: Indización y resúmenes desde 1968 hasta el presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Oferece indexação e resumos e texto completo de mais de 450 periódicos acadêmicos da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, com ênfase particular em agricultura, ciências biológicas, economia, história, direito, literatura, filosofia, psicologia, administração pública, religião e sociologia. A base de dados é atualizada semanalmente. Documentos de texto completo disponíveis em HTML e PDF. Cobertura: Indexação e resumos 1968-presente; texto completo 1940-presente.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

HM1-1281 Sociology


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical Insights, Principles of Business, Principles of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Offers topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that combine a variety of sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Coverage: Varies by topic.

InfoBase Issues & Controversies (EBSCOHost)

Offers access to thousands of articles, editorials, and opinion pieces that explore all sides of current issues in business, education, government, politics, popular culture,  and society, and present key facts, arguments, history, and context. Supporting materials include primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, videos, audio content, and infographics. The database is updated weekly, with an extensive backfile.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOHost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Web Resources

Applied Survey Research

Google Dataset Search

Social Science Research Services

United States Census Bureau

Professional Associations

American Evaluation Association (AEA)

American Society of Criminology (ASC)

American Sociological Association (ASA)

Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS)

European Sociological Association (ESA)

International Sociological Association (ISA)

The Midwest Sociological Society (MSS)

The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Kate Fiala

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9364


Subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, English, Life Sciences, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Language, Physical Science, Physics, Statistics.


InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for more than 6,018 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals in multiple disciplines. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1888-present; full text 1888-present.

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications that covers a wide variety of applied science specialties. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text and searchable cited references for more than 2,300 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCO. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1998-present; full text 1886-present.


Covers articles from 2,928 journals in the fields of nursing, biomedicine, and consumer health. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1970-present; full text 1981-present.

Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 journals, 200 magazines, 6 books, and 600 conference papers. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, and teaching methods. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1983-present.

Energy & Power Source (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of articles, benchmarks, and best practices selected from a multitude of trade and industry publications, as well as indexing for more than 1,000 journals, monographs, magazines, and trade publications. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1951-present; full text 1896-present.

ERIC: Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides access to more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents, including journals contained within the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Full-text documents available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing and abstracts 1969-present; full text 1800-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.


Provides indexing and access to full text for over 200 academic journals, 200 magazines, and 200 newsletters covering topics such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses indexing to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. This database is updated daily via PubMed. Full-text articles available in PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1789-present; full text 1789-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

HA1-4737 Statistics


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.

Salem Press Online

Provides the complete content of printed reference sets from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing on a variety of topics such as careers and business, health, history, literature, and science. Core collections include Critical InsightsPrinciples of BusinessPrinciples of Science, and The Reference Shelf. Full text readable online or saved to a personal folder. Coverage: 2013-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Enciclopedia Britannica Moderna

Provides access to more than 47,000 articles in Spanish and nearly 8,000 images as well as audiovisual materials, the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English dictionary, and the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE). Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Da acceso a más de 47.000 artículos en español y cerca de 8.000 imágenes además de materiales audiovisuales, el diccionario español-inglés Merriam-Webster y el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE). Acceso proporcionado por la Biblioteca Estatal de Kansas.

Encyclopedia Britannica – Academic

Provides access to more than 15,000 encyclopedic entries, over 18,000 periodical articles, thousands of associated eBooks and primary source documents, 100,000 recommended websites, and thousands of multimedia resources, as well as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas.

Explora Multi-Search (EBSCOhost)

Provides an interface to search across numerous EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, eBook Collection, Literary Reference Center, and Vocational and Career Collection for articles, eBooks, essays, and primary source documents. Topics include arts and literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, and science and math. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOHost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for hundreds of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 2007-present.

SAGE Knowledge

Provides access to the SAGE Books, CQ Press, and SAGE Reference databases, which publish research monographs, classroom texts, professional development titles, and reference works in the social sciences. Access provided by the State Library of Kansas. Coverage: Varies by topic.

Statistics and Data


Provides access to quantitative market and consumer data such as market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases for 170 industries in more than 50 countries. Results from over 18,000 sources are presented in a range of infographic tools for analysis and visualization. Among the database’s 80,000 topics are business, consumer markets, finance, the global digital economy, industrial sectors, macroeconomic trends, media, politics, and public opinion. Available metadata is shared for each statistic including but not limited to source, release date, number of respondents, and other pertinent details to enable verification of statistical information. Coverage: Generally, ten years for sectoral data and up to 30 years for macroeconomic time series; varies by sector and country.

Web Resources

CDC Data and Statistics

CDC National Center for Health Statistics

Data.gov (U.S. Government)



Google Public Data

Health, Nutrition and Population Data and Statistics

International Energy Agency (IEA): Statistics

International Labour Organization (ILO): Labor Statistics Database

Pew Research Center

Rasmussen Reports

Real Clear Politics

Trafalgar Group

Statistical Sites on the World Wide Web (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD): Statistics

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Statistics Division

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics: International Labor Comparisons

UNESCO: Institute for Statistics

Web Interface for Statistics Education (Claremont Graduate University)

World Trade Organization (WTO): Statistics

Professional Associations

American Statistical Association (ASA)

Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)

Citation Styles

American Psychological Association (APA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)



Subject Specialist Librarian Contact Information:

Shelby Cunningham

Room L-127

Learning Resource Center

Barton Community College

(620) 792-9329


Subjects: Accounting, Arts, Business, Business Computer Management, Communication, Dance, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Sociology, Theater.



InfoBase/Bloom’s Literature

Provides full-text access to literature resources and criticism selected by noted literary expert Harold Bloom, including the “How to Write About,” “Shakespeare Center,” and “Bloom’s Literary Canon.” The database offers over 1,000 eBook classics and 2,600 poems, more than 4,000 Publisher’s Weekly interviews, and more than 400 full-length videos of classics plays and films as well as overviews, synopses, analyses, peer-reviewed journal articles, and literary criticism of thousands of literary works. Coverage: Varies by topic and format.

InfoBase Films on Demand

Provides access to award-winning documentaries from more than 1,200 international producers and in over 700 distinct areas of study, including art and architecture, biology, business and economics, computer science, history, language and literature, mathematics, music and dance, philosophy and religion, political science, psychology, sociology, and technical and trade skills.


Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for thousands of essays, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, magazines, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, all of which present multiple sides of a current issue. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1900-present.

TOPICsearch (EBSCOhost)

Contains full text for over 150,961 articles from 475 distinct sources including international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. Full text available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1953-present.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.


Library of Congress Classification call numbers:

PN2000-3307 Dramatic representation. The theater


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 150,000 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including adult fiction, arts & architecture, biographies & memoirs, computer science, health & medicine, history, literature & criticism, and true crime. The collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, and Harvard University Press. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Contains over 120,000 full-text eBooks representing a broad variety of academic disciplines, including business & economics, engineering & technology, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology, reference works, scholarly books, literature, and fiction. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1833-present.

eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost)

Covers topics offered in community college academic and workforce programs and fields of study. The collection also covers key subject areas such as education, health and fitness, social sciences, business, science & technology, and literary criticism. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or PDF, or as borrowable download. Coverage: Full text 1907-present.

Google Scholar

Provides open access to a broad range of full-text scholarly literature, including journals, books, theses and dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. The database is updated continually.


Provides full-text for 1,316 scholarly journals, 8,878 open access books, 41,605 open research reports, and a broad range of image content, all of which covers 75 disciplines of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Full-text articles and book chapters available in PDF. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Gutenberg

Provides access to more than 60,000 eBooks, manuals, pamphlets, travelogues, theses, journals, and chapbooks, all of which are in public domain. The database focuses on literary works and reference items of historical significance. Full-text eBooks available in EPUB or Kindle eBooks, or by reading online.


Inter-Library Loan

Allows Barton Library patrons to request materials not part of our collection that are held by other Kansas libraries.

Reference Works

Credo Reference

Provides full-text online access to articles from hundreds of multi-disciplinary reference books covering all major academic areas. Topics include art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, and bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. This database is updated regularly.

Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia

Provides over 25,000 full text encyclopedic entries covering an array of topics. Full-text articles available in HTML. This database is updated annually.

Gale eBooks

Contains over 240 full-text eBooks from a wide range of subject areas, including the arts, business, education, history, law, medicine, religion, and science. Full-text articles available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Full text 1956-present.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides indexing and full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals that cover virtually every subject area of general interest, nearly 500 reference books, and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCO. Full-text articles and book chapters available in HTML and PDF. Coverage: Indexing 1865-present; full text 1900-present.

Web Resources

Folger Shakespeare Library

Internet Broadway Database

Library of Congress Performing Arts Databases


Professional Associations

American Alliance for Theatre and Education (AATE)

American Association of Community Theatre (AACT) 

American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR)

Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE)

The United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT)

Citation Styles

Chicago Manual of Style

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Citation Building Tools



Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
