Mission Statement
Recreational sports and activities are a desirable part of a student’s program of education. Through participation it is hoped that the individual will develop an appreciation of the worthy use of leisure time and a wholesome attitude toward physical activity for recreational purposes in life. The goal of Intramurals are to provide an opportunity to all interested individuals to participate in some activities of their own choosing, insofar as facilities and equipment permit. Intramural activities are organized on a team and individual basis, thereby enabling all to participate.
All students enrolled at Barton Community College and all faculty and staff members are eligible to participate in any intramural activity except as follows:
A student who has received a collegiate varsity award in a sport or has participated in a varsity sport during the current school year cannot participate in that sport or any similar sport.
The team roster with ALL team members must be filed in the Intramural Office before the team’s first contest.
In sports where entries are necessary, there shall be a definite time for closing the entry and no individual or organization shall be permitted to enter after that date. Contestants and managers will find announcement of events/deadlines in the Student Union.