An American flag waves by the Barton welcome sign

Board Monitoring Reports

2023-2024 Board Monitoring Reports

Board Monitoring Reports

August END 8 Contingency Planning Todd Mobray
September END 1 Fundamental Skills Melissa Feist, Jo Harrington, Stephanie Joiner
October END 2 Work Preparedness Dean Kottas
January END 3 Academic Advancement Vice President Maddy
March END 4 Barton Experience Vice President Maddy
April END 5 Regional Workforce Needs Dean Kottas, Dean Teal 
May END 6 Barton Services & Regional Locations Dean Kottas, Dean Teal 
June END 7 Strategic Planning Todd Mobray
July END 8 Contingency Planning Todd Mobray

Check out monitoring reports from previous years for more information.

END Statements

Board END 1: Fundamental Skills

Students will acquire the skills needed to be successful for the program they are in.

  • Students will have the fundamental skills to succeed in the workplace.
  • Students will have the fundamental skills to lead productive lives.
  • Students will be provided remediation as needed.

This policy adopted on 10-16-97

Reviewed on 07-03-02 (no changes)
Reviewed on 09-03-03 (no changes)
Reviewed on 09-01-04 (no changes)
Revised on 03-21-06
Revised on 10-17-06
Reviewed on 11-24-15 (no changes)
Revised on 01-25-22

Board END 2: Work Preparedness

Students will be prepared for success in the workplace.

  • Students will have the skills and knowledge required for successful entry into the workplace.
  • Students will have the work ethics, discipline, and collaborative skills necessary to be successful in the workplace.
  • Students will have the technical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to maintain, advance, or change their employment or occupation.

This policy adopted on 10-16-97

Reviewed on 07-03-02 (no changes)
Reviewed on 09-03-03 (no changes)
Reviewed on 09-01-04 (no changes)
Revised on 07-15-10
Reviewed on 11-24-15 (no changes)
Revised on 01-25-22

Board END 3: Academic Advancement

Students desiring academic advancement will be prepared for successful transfer to other colleges and universities.

  • Students will have the academic prerequisites sufficient for successful transfer.
  • Students will have appropriate knowledge of transfer requirements.
  • Students will have adequate preparation to be successful after transfer to other colleges or universities.
  • Students will be able to obtain Bachelor’s and advanced degrees through studies sponsored by Barton County Community College.

This policy adopted on 10-16-97

Reviewed on 07-03-02 (no changes)
Reviewed on 09-03-03 (no changes)
Reviewed on 09-01-04 (no changes)
Revised on 03-21-06
Revised on 10-17-06
Reviewed on 11-24-15 (no changes)
Revised on 01-25-22

Board END 4: Barton Experience

Student and employee feedback will reflect positively of their Barton experience.

  • Student and employee feedback will be documented through student exit surveys and other report mechanisms.
  • Student and employee feedback will assess impact of faculty and staff.
  • Student and employee feedback will reflect the diversity of the student body.

This policy adopted 04-16-98

Reviewed on 09-04-02 (no changes)
Reviewed on 09-03-03 (no changes)
Reviewed on 09-01-04 (no changes)
Revised on 03-21-06
Revised on 11-24-15 (no changes)
Revised on 01-25-22

Revised on 11-22-22

Board END 5: Regional Workforce Needs

The College will address regional workforce needs.

  • The College will develop strategies to identify and address on-going needs.
  • The College will organize area resources in addressing needs.
  • The College will build effective partnerships in addressing workforce needs.
  • The College will be recognized as a leader in economic development.

Approved on 03-21-06

Revised on 10-17-06
Revised on 11-21-06
Revised on 08-12-08
Reviewed on 11-24-15 (no changes)
Revised on 01-25-22

Board END 6: Barton Services and Regional Locations

The College Mission will be supported by the strategic development of Barton service and regional locations.

  • Services and locations will be compatible to the institutional mission of the College.
  • Services and locations will be in accordance to available resources.
  • Services and locations will maximize revenues and minimize expenses.
  • Services and locations will generate revenue to meet their locational expenses.
  • Services and locations will compliment growth of student learning services.

This policy adopted on 01-20-2011

Revised on 11-24-15
Revised on 05-28-19 (minor change)
Reviewed on 01-25-22 (no changes)

Board END 7: Strategic Planning

The College mission will be supported by strategic planning emphasis.

  • The institutional mission of the college will be supported by strategic planning goals and objectives.
  • Accreditation requirements of the Higher Learning Commission will be satisfied through the development and implementation of strategic planning goals and objectives.
  • Kansas Board of Regents policies and mission will be satisfied through the development and implementation of strategic planning goals and objectives.
  • Strategic planning goals and objectives shall be measurable in order to demonstrate their effectiveness and to provide accountability to the public

This policy adopted on 01-20-2011

Reviewed on 11-24-15 (no changes)
Revised on 01-25.22

Board END 8: Contingency Planning

The President will make these recommendations to the Board of Trustees on resource allocation due to changing educational priorities; shifting enrollment patterns; lack of funds; and/or the requirements of legally imposed mandates. This may result in adjustments of operational procedures for the purpose of: 

  • Sustaining college financial viability.
  • Maintaining program integrity.
  • Enhancement, addition, reduction, or discontinuance of academic, vocational-technical and cultural enrichment program or services.
  • Reallocation of other resources to internal and external college constituencies. 

This policy adopted on 05-27-15

Reviewed on 11-24-15 (no changes)
Revised on 01-25-22
Revised on 11-22-22