Barton Community College endeavors to achieve the highest standards of academic integrity, and to instill personal honesty as an essential life skill. Students are strongly encouraged to demonstrate a sense of responsibility in their choices, to create habits worthy of trust and respect while engaged in their academic pursuits, and to work toward educational and professional goals with a sense of courage and fairness. In order to stay true to Barton’s mission of offering exceptional learning opportunities, the faculty and staff of the College have pledged to uphold these six core values of integrity in all aspects of instruction.
Honor Code
In all aspects undertaken by students, faculty, staff and all other stakeholders of Barton Community College, the following pledge applies:
On my honor, I am acting with integrity in academics. I am acting per personal and institutional values and refraining from any form of academic dishonesty, and I will not tolerate the academic dishonesty of others.
By enrolling in Barton courses, students agree to comply with the Honor Code above and Barton's Academic Integrity Procedure (2502).
Contact us at integrity@bartonccc.edu with inquiries.
Barton fosters a climate of mutual trust, encourages the free exchange of ideas, and enables all to reach their highest potential. The student produces their best work to ensure trust is preserved.
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign: Trust
Barton student and swim team member Jonathan Beers will graduate in a couple of weeks, and he can continue his journey proudly, knowing that he left a legacy as someone who exhibited academic integrity in practice as well as being the ambassador for the value of trust.
Barton recognizes the participatory nature of the learning process and respects a wide range of opinions and ideas. The student shows respect by attending class prepared to participate, which includes listening to classmates' and instructors’ opinions, while working to the highest level of their competence.
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign: Respect
Barton at Fort Leavenworth student Tionna Caldwell knows the value of respect goes beyond her personal endeavors. She believes it is imperative to exhibit and reciprocate it not only as she finishes her education, but also as she pursues her career as a dental hygienist.
Barton upholds personal responsibility in the face of wrongdoing. The student upholds personal responsibility in the face of wrongdoing.
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign: Responsibility
Barton Community College holds itself to the highest standards when it comes to academic integrity. In recognition of their integrity, students were selected based on instructor and staff nominations to represent Barton’s Integrity Values. This spring, the college will feature student stories on its social media accounts that showcase the values of academic integrity and the students who represent them.
Barton fosters an environment of fairness and consistency by establishing clear standards, practices, and procedures and expects cooperation in the interaction of students, faculty, and administrators. The student acts in the spirit of fairness of all established standards, practices, and procedures and will take the initiative to seek out further information when unsure of said standards, practices, and procedures.
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign: Fairness
Barton student and volleyball player Molly Norris knows what it takes to be a top-tier athlete, and as an ambassador for the academic integrity virtue of fairness, she’s learned that many of the same positive ideas that guide her on the court, also apply in the classroom.
Barton supports its expectations, standards, and practices with action. The student acts courageously despite the concern of repercussions and in accordance with personal and institutional values.
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign: Courage
Barton freshman art major Harley Headley of Russell is moving full-steam ahead towards his dream of traveling the world in pursuit of artistic endeavors, but he doesn’t let his end goal disrupt his acknowledgment of the importance of academic integrity along the way, specifically the value of courage.
Academic Integrity Value - Honesty
Barton advances the quest for truth and knowledge by requiring intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching, research, and service. The student is the original author of submitted work and properly acknowledges outside sources, and another’s work or ideas.
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign 2022: Honesty
Vanessa Oduah traveled thousands of miles from Nigeria to pursue her dream of becoming a professional basketball player. She joined the Cougars on scholarship in 2019 as a guard and is making the most of her time hooping it up in central Kansas before continuing on her journey.
Academic Integrity Value - Trust
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign 2022: Trust
Barton Community College holds itself to the highest standards when it comes to academic integrity. The college will feature several student stories on its social media accounts throughout the spring semester that help showcase the six virtues of academic integrity and why they are important to each student as well as the institution. Those virtues include trust, responsibility, honesty, courage, fairness, and respect.
Academic Integrity Value - Respect
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign 2022: Respect
Born and raised in Brazil, Carolina D’Anniballe de Salles became acquainted with Barton County and the United States as a foreign exchange student when she graduated from Hoisington High School in 2019. She had such an amazing experience that she wanted to go to college in the U.S. and Barton was the perfect fit for her.
Academic Integrity Value - Responsibility
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign 2022: Responsibility
It took non-traditional student Elsie Randel, 44, of Great Bend, some time to figure out exactly what she wanted to do with her life, but she was raised to follow the “golden rule” as a child and she has let that guide her through her quest for knowledge and education, as well as enhance her appreciation for the virtue of responsibility as it pertains to academic integrity.
Academic Integrity Value - Fairness
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign 2022: Fairness
Sophomore swimmer Kacper Mayerberg from Poland felt like a fish out of water when he came to Barton last year. Speaking limited English, he knew he had his work cut out for him assimilating to the United States and at the same time holding himself to his high personal standards in athletics and academics. Even with this daunting undertaking looming, he always kept his academic integrity intact and the virtue of fairness remained in the forefront as a guiding principle in his athletic and academic endeavors.
Academic Integrity Value - Courage
Barton Academic Integrity Campaign 2022: Courage
Barton at Fort Riley students Terry Charlett and Troy Hardwick both served in the military for decades. They went overseas on multiple deployments, so courage is a very familiar concept to them. It’s no surprise that their high regard for this virtue carried over into their quests for education.