What is Articulation?
In partnership with Kansas Department of Education, Barton helps connect high school students to college Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to give students a head start on college and careers.
By developing high-demand career skills, students are given a competitive edge and are likely to be more successful members of the workforce. Rigorous CTE programs also provide college prep students with opportunities to apply academic content in real-world applications. Articulation is the alignment and comparability of coursework between two levels of education, such as high school and community college. It is established through discipline specific faculty at Barton confirming that concepts and skills being taught in the high school level are comparable to those of the college. Once the determination is made that the coursework is sufficiently similar, formal state-wide articulation agreements can be established.
Articulation Benefits – a WIN-WIN
- Students earn a head start on college and their careers, saving time and money by skipping redundant coursework in which they have already demonstrated mastery.
- Articulation agreements recognize a seamless curriculum pathway that starts in high school and ends with an advanced skills associate degree or certificate leading to careers in related technical fields.
- The articulation agreement is a commitment of all parties to provide a sequence of progressive coursework that begins at the secondary level and continues into a postsecondary pathway.
- Increased number of skilled workers with credentials of value to the labor market.
Cluster/Pathway Brochures:
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster
Plant Systems Pathway
Comprehensive Agriculture Science Pathway
Power, Structural/Technical Systems Pathway
Biotechnology in Agriculture Pathway
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Cluster
Graphic Design Strand
AV Communications Pathway
Business Management/Administration Cluster
Business Entrepreneurship/Management Pathway
Marketing Pathway
Business Finance Pathway
Health Science Pathway
Restaurant/Event Management Pathway
Early Childhood Development/Services Pathway
Family, Community and Consumer Services Pathway
Information Technology Cluster
Web and Digital Communications Pathway
Network Systems Pathway
Law-Public Safety-Corrections-Security Cluster
Emergency-Fire Management Services Pathway
Manufacturing Cluster (welding)
BioChemistry Pathway
Requesting Credit