Tana Cooper
Director of Admissions
A.A. Hutchinson Community College
B.S. Fort Hays State University, Organizational Leadership
Master of Science in Education, Fort Hays State University
Recruiting Regions: Service Counties
Office: (620) 792-9241, (800) 722-6842 | Fax: (620) 786-1160
coopert@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)
Hobbies: Watching sports, KU basketball and football, Chiefs football, spending time with family and friends.
Favorite Food: I will try anything once! Mexican, Chinese and Seafood are my favorites.
Facebook: tana.k.cooper
Twitter: Tana@BCC (link sends email)
Instagram: tanakcooper
Sasha Larson
Admissions Representative
Crum’s Beauty College – Cosmetologist License
Office: (620)-792-9280, (800) 722-6842 | Work Cell: (620) 617-0004
larsons@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)
Hobbies: Cooking, baking, spending time with family & friends.
Favorite food: Mexican or potatoes
Twitter: SashaatBarton
Instagram: SashaatBarton
Facebook: SashaLarsonatBarton
Maddy Casey
Admissions Representative
Barton Community College – Liberal Studies (AA) With a Minor of Dance
Office: (620) 786-1142 | Work Cell: (620) 617-0337
caseym@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)
Hobbies: Dance, Singing, Drawing and Painting
Favorite food: Pasta
Twitter: MaddyatBarton
Instagram: MaddyatBarton
Facebook: MaddyatBarton
Kylynn Keeler
Admissions Representative
B.S Kansas State University, Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Office: (620) 792-9297 | Work Cell: (620) 617-0052
keelerk@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)
Hobbies: Baking sugar cookies, watching sports (Anything KSU or KC Chiefs), traveling
Favorite Food: Potato Soup or any comfort food!
Twitter: KylynnatBarton
Instagram: Kylynnatbarton
Facebook: KylynnatBarton
Kelsey Deist
Admissions Administrative Assistant & Switchboard Operator
Hays Academy of Hair Design – Cosmetologist License
Office: (620) 792-9286, (800) 722-6842 | Fax (620) 786-1160
deistk@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)
Hobbies: Baking, singing, playing guitar and spending time with family.
Favorite Foods are pizza, and almost any dessert! I also will drink iced coffee at any time of the year.