2024 student ambassadors in front of Kirkman windows

Meet the Admissions Staff

Tana Cooper PortaitTana Cooper
Director of Admissions

A.A. Hutchinson Community College
B.S. Fort Hays State University, Organizational Leadership
Master of Science in Education, Fort Hays State University
Recruiting Regions: Service Counties
Office: (620) 792-9241, (800) 722-6842 | Fax: (620) 786-1160 
coopert@bartonccc.edu (link sends email) 
Hobbies: Watching sports, KU basketball and football, Chiefs football, spending time with family and friends. 
Favorite Food: I will try anything once! Mexican, Chinese and Seafood are my favorites. 

Facebook: tana.k.cooper
Twitter: Tana@BCC (link sends email)
Instagram: tanakcooper



Sasha LarsenSasha Larson 
Admissions Representative

Crum’s Beauty College – Cosmetologist License
Office: (620)-792-9280, (800) 722-6842 | Work Cell: (620) 617-0004
larsons@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)
Hobbies: Cooking, baking, spending time with family & friends.
Favorite food: Mexican or potatoes

Twitter: SashaatBarton
Instagram: SashaatBarton
Facebook: SashaLarsonatBarton



Maddy CaseyMaddy Casey 
Admissions Representative

Barton Community College – Liberal Studies (AA) With a Minor of Dance
Office: (620) 786-1142 | Work Cell: (620) 617-0337
caseym@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)
Hobbies: Dance, Singing, Drawing and Painting
Favorite food: Pasta

Twitter: MaddyatBarton
Instagram: MaddyatBarton
Facebook: MaddyatBarton



Kylynn KeelerKylynn Keeler
Admissions Representative

B.S Kansas State University, Industrial & Organizational Psychology 
Office: (620) 792-9297 | Work Cell: (620) 617-0052
keelerk@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)
Hobbies: Baking sugar cookies, watching sports (Anything KSU or KC Chiefs), traveling 
Favorite Food: Potato Soup or any comfort food! 

 Twitter: KylynnatBarton
Instagram: Kylynnatbarton
Facebook: KylynnatBarton



Kelsey DeistKelsey Deist
Admissions Administrative Assistant & Switchboard Operator

Hays Academy of Hair Design – Cosmetologist License
Office: (620) 792-9286, (800) 722-6842 | Fax (620) 786-1160
deistk@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)
Hobbies: Baking, singing, playing guitar and spending time with family.
Favorite Foods are pizza, and almost any dessert! I also will drink iced coffee at any time of the year.