Barton’s Cougar Supply Den (CSD) was awarded $70,000 through a federal grant from the United States Department of Education and the Kansas Board of Regents that can be used to purchase food and personal care items that students in need can use free of cost.
Barton Community College will help area high school juniors plan for their futures at Junior Day, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Feb. 15. Those interested can sign up at through Feb. 1.
Barton Community College offices will close for holiday break Monday, December 19. All offices will reopen Monday, Jan. 2.
The drought monitor report as of Tuesday, December 6 indicates no real change. Our extreme drought conditions continue.
Barton Nursing student Katie Alnor loves helping people and as a nurse, she’ll get to do that every day. She has just one semester left and she’ll be a registered nurse and one step closer to landing her dream job as a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) nurse.
Barton Community College’s Center for Adult Education will soon begin another nine-week session of classes. However, orientation days are required before starting the classes. Students must attend all orientation days in-person, which will be held from 1-4 p.m. on Jan. 9-12.
The drought monitor report as of Tuesday, November 29 indicates worsening conditions. Our extreme drought will soon become exceptional drought as it is almost to Barton County.
Barton Community College has released the 13th edition of its literary annual “Prairie Ink” at and will host a launch event from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Dec. 1 in the Cavanaugh Room in the Barton Library, which will feature light refreshments, readings from contributing authors including special guest Rob Munden who will read selections from his new release “Peanut Butter Pickleball and Murder.”
First, everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. The drought monitor report as of Tuesday, November 22 is a broken record. We are still in extreme drought and exceptional drought is creeping ever closer.
Barton Theatre’s Barton Bards troupe, in conjunction with the Great Bend Community Theatre will present a live, “old-fashioned” radio show presentation of “A Christmas Carol,” by Wesley Van Tassel and based on the novel by Charles Dickens at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6 in the Fine Arts Auditorium.