Barton Community College ensures the privacy of your student records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
As of July 1, 2024, the Department of Education established new regulations regarding the release of official transcripts when a student has a financial hold at the college. The new regulations require colleges to release transcripts for all enrollment periods that the student received federal financial aid. An institution may only withhold the portion of a student’s transcript for enrollment periods with an unpaid balance or during which no federal aid was received, rather than the entire transcript. This regulation does not apply to students that did not receive federal financial aid.
Institutions are permitted to provide students with partial official transcripts that do not include credits for payment period (also known as a “partial-transcript hold”) in which a student did not receive Title IV, HEA funds or where institutional charges are not paid.
It is Barton Community College’s mission to assist learners manage payment period financial obligations by providing robust financial aid assistance, payment plan opportunities, transparency, and frequent communications. These, and a desire to assist with payment plans for past due balances, are at the root of the college’s response to Financial Responsibility.
A review of a student’s account when financial holds exist will take place within the Business Office and the Financial Aid Office. Students will be notified by the Enrollment Services Office if a complete or partial transcript will be released when transcript requests are submitted.