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Read below to learn about all of the services provided by Barton County Upward Bound.
Students who successfully complete the Upward Bound program receive a scholarship to Barton Community College.
Students have the opportunity to earn a stipend each semester by attending BCUB sponsored events and activities.
Cultural Trips
Upward Bound provides cultural trips through the fall and spring semesters to local area locations and events. Additionally, a longer summer trip out of state follows the summer program. BCUB has visited Washington DC, Dallas, South Dakota, Minneapolis and other locations during the summer.
Upward Bound has laptops for you to borrow to complete your homework and school projects. Laptops are available to be borrowed during the academic year.
Graphing Calculators
We have TI-84 Plus graphing calculators for you to borrow.
Book Loan Program
If you are taking a class on the Barton Community College campus, check with us, we will loan you your book for the semester.
Summer Program
Students participate in a 6 week residential program on the Barton Community College campus each summer.
ACT Testing
If you are in the 11th or 12th grade, Upward Bound will give you a fee waiver for you to take the test for free.
College Visits
Upward Bound visits different college campuses each year. Previous trips included visits to Kansas State University, Sterling College, University of Maryland, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Kansas, Fort Hays State University, Cloud County Community College, Wichita State University, Garden City Community College, and Hutchinson Community College.
Upward Bound offers before/after school tutoring at each of the target high schools. On Saturday mornings, tutoring is available at the Barton Community College library. Teachers from the target schools serve as the tutors. They will assist you with all of your homework.
Additional Services
Educational workshops, leadership conferences and other leadership opportunities, college prep activities, career exploration, job shadowing and community service projects.