
Music Scholarship Day

(all day)

High school seniors are invited to come and audition for both music major and non-major scholarships on this date. Please call to set up a specific time for your audition for either instrumental or vocal scholarships.

9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Fine Arts Auditorium, Barton County Campus

Eric Foley
(620) 792-9395

Audition Information by Area

Barton Instrumental Music Department
The Barton Instrumental Music Department will require students to perform a solo or excerpt of literature that they are currently working on in either band/orchestra or something they are preparing for a festival. The audition may also include a brief demonstration of a major scale(s) and sight-reading of a short musical passage.  Pianists may perform up to two selections from their current repertoire and may be asked to demonstrate scale patterns.  Guitarists may audition on either acoustic or electric guitar. Guitar students should be prepared to play two to three short examples, under two minutes each, that demonstrate their skill level. In addition to demonstration pieces, guitarists will also be engaged in an informal dialogue regarding their experience with chords and scales.

Barton Vocal Music Department
The Barton Vocal Music Department will be auditioning singers and rhythm section players including piano, guitar, bass and drums for Hilltop Singers. No audition is required of Concert Choir members unless students wish to be considered for a scholarship.  In the vocal audition, students will be asked to demonstrate range, sing some harmonic patterns and perform a familiar song between 1-3 minutes long such as a contest solo, an excerpt of a choir piece or other song that demonstrates their best singing. Memorization of music is preferred but not required. Please refer to the registration form for guidance on appropriate audition attire and preparation.