Goal 1: Advance student entry, reentry, retention, and completion strategies.
- KPI 1.1: Fall to Fall Retention
- KPI 1.2: Course Success Rate
Barton’s newly formed Student Success Alliance (SSA), has completed a three-year environmental scan of student success at Barton Community College. As a result of its efforts and in furtherance of Barton’s Strategic Goal 1, the SSA will begin implementing the resulting Student Success Plan to support the success of students at Barton Community College through the coordination of data-driven processes across the institution.
Two definitions of student success that are monitored by the SSA and through Barton’s strategic goals include Retention and Course Success Rate.
As a part of Barton’s participation in the Higher Learning Commission’s Student Success Academy, Barton made a decision to move away from the IPEDS definition that had previously been Barton’s focus and instead look to baseline measures of full time, degree seeking, fall to fall retention and part time degree seeking fall to fall retention metrics. To review the IPEDS retention rates, please click here: IPEDS.
In support of Goal 1, Barton has set specific targets for retaining students. By AY26-27, Barton will strive to increase fall to fall retention of part-time, first time, degree seeking students to 30%, and full-time, first time, degree seeking students to 60%. These increases each reflect a 9% increase from the current five-year average rates of retention. Further, The SSA will begin reporting on programmatic impacts on retention as a part of the Student Success Plan.
The SSA has only begun investigating fall to spring retention rates and will consider future goals and recommendations in support of its findings.
Course Success Rate
The SSA has also identified course success rate as a foundational, fundamental metric for gauging student success. Course success rate is defined as completing a course with a grade of A, B, or C. Success in individual courses (or, in an individual course) can be seen to be one of the earliest measures of a successful educational experience for a student. Additionally, surveys of Barton students reflect the importance that students place on program and course completion. When asked about the most important ways that Barton can contribute to students’ success, students indicate “supporting successful completion of courses and programs” and “supporting degree/certificate completion or graduation” as top responses.
Point in time success infographic compiled by the SSA.
Click on the images below to view the full size info graphics!
For more information regarding the Student Success Alliance and their corresponding plan to support retention and completion strategies, visit: https://bartonccc.edu/students/success-academy
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