Tuberculosis Screening and Assessment
In compliance with Kansas Statue KSA 2009 Supp. 65-129, the College has instituted a tuberculosis prevention and control policy for students.
All first time students enrolled and entering classroom settings will complete tuberculosis screening questionnaire prior to enrollment and/or starting classes. (Exempt students will include those participating in continuing education programs, seminars, inmates at Correctional Facilities and Fort Riley students enrolled in Military focused college programs**.)
Finalization of initial classes will be placed on "hold" until requirements of screening questionnaire have been completed.
Students determined as "high risk" for tuberculosis as defined by Kansas Department of Health and Environment guidelines will be required to complete a Tuberculosis Risk Assessment.
TB testing results are required prior to the start of the student's first course. Any student not in compliance will not be eligible to attend classes, enroll for subsequent semester or term, and obtain an official transcript or diploma until requirements have been met.
** (Military focused college programs consist of classes generated by the Army and taught by Barton faculty to provide military training/education.)