November 30, 2022
Story by Joe Vinduska
Barton Community College has released the 13th edition of its literary annual “Prairie Ink” at prairieink.bartonccc.edu and will host a launch event from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Dec. 1 in the Cavanaugh Room in the Barton Library, which will feature light refreshments, readings from contributing authors including special guest Rob Munden who will read selections from his new release “Peanut Butter Pickleball and Murder.”
The publication is intended as a venue for local authors to showcase their creative writing talents and is edited by Barton’s English faculty including Scott McDonald, Justin Brown and Sheyene Heller.
The collection includes fiction, poetry, drama and non-fiction and is open to submissions from Barton students, employees or community members who live in Barton’s seven-county service area and the Fort Riley, Fort Leavenworth and Grandview Plaza outreach locations.
A digital copy of the publication can be found by visiting prairieink.bartonccc.edu. Those who would like a hard copy of “Prairie Ink” can email the editors at prairieink@bartonccc.edu or call (620) 792-9200.
Submissions for the 14th issue will be accepted through April 1, 2023. Work can be submitted for publication by emailing prairieink@bartonccc.edu.