August 30, 2024
Story by Joe Vinduska
Photo by Courtney Liebl
"Dancing with the Cougars" returns this year with another dance workshop for the community featuring a line dance class at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 5 in Studio 34, and all proceeds go to support Barton Dance Theatre's participation at the American College Dance Association Conference in January.
The workshop will include line dances accompanied by music from various genres, including country and western, pop, R&B, and other international styles. The class will be taught by Barton Dance Instructor Danika Bielek and dance students from Barton Dance Theatre.
“The ‘Dancing with the Cougars’ workshops are so fun because we get participants of all ages and levels of experience who just come together to dance,” she said. “Line dances can be easily danced by everyone and make a great workout, too. In these classes, everyone learns together, laughs, and has a good time. It’s really uplifting.”
To Register, visit shows.bartonccc.edu or contact Bielek at bielekd@bartonccc.edu or (620) 792-9253. Admission is $15 per person or $20 if attendees bring a dancing partner.