The Central Kansas Community Choir performs at a previous concert.
November 15, 2022
Story by Joe Vinduska
The Central Kansas Community Choir (CKCC) will perform its “Holiday Harmony” concert featuring uplifting vocal selections at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 10 at the First Methodist Church 2123 Forest Ave. in Great Bend.
The CKCC is a non-denominational mixed chorus sponsored by Barton Community College and strives to provide challenging performances of quality literature for the enjoyment of the residents of the Central Kansas area. Choir membership is open to high school-age singers and above. It was founded in the spring of 2003 by former director Vern Fryberger.
For more information, contact Director of Choral Activities Dr. Eric Foley at foleye@bartonccc.edu or (620) 792-9395.