August 30, 2023
Story by Joe Vinduska
The Barton Community College Library will sponsor an exhibit that will highlight the First Amendment, which will be displayed in the Student Union starting Sept. 1 throughout the entire month of Sept.
The exhibit will feature four panels with QR codes. Director of Library and College Archives Darren Ivey said it’s part of the library’s responsibility to help educate the public about important aspects of our society. He chose this specific timeframe for the exhibit because the First Amendment and the other amendments in the Bill of Rights were approved by the first Congress on Sept. 25, 1789 and forwarded to the states on Sept. 28.
“The First Amendment is the cornerstone of what students, faculty, and staff do here at Barton,” he said. “The framers of the Constitution codified natural rights that we regularly use in our learning, teaching, and day-to-day lives. It’s important that students, and indeed employees, understand those rights and the responsibilities that come with the Five Freedoms.”
The exhibit is open to the public and can be viewed from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday in the upper level of the Student Union. The exhibit is free.
For more information, contact Ivey at iveyd@bartonccc.edu or (620) 792-9364.