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Degree Works FAQ

General FAQs

Q: What is DegreeWorks?
A: DegreeWorks is a web-based degree audit program and academic advising tool designed to assist you and advisors in reviewing your degree progress. DegreeWorks is located in the MyBarton Portal. DegreeWorks compares student academic history with the degree requirements outlined in the college catalog.

Q: Does Degree Works replace the need to work with an academic advisor?
A: No. Degree Works is not a replacement for academic advising. It is a tool to assist both you and your advisor to make sure you stay on track to your degree or certificate. However, information pertinent to your individual situation can best be addressed through regular contact with your academic advisor.

Q: Who can use DegreeWorks?
A: Students who have designated a degree or certificate program at Barton can use DegreeWorks, as well as staff and faculty advisors and Registrar’s Office staff.

Q: Who can see my Degree Works audit?
A: Students can access their Degree Works audit through the MyBarton portal. Staff advisors, faculty advisors, and selected staff in the Registrar’s office will also have access to student audits.

Q: Can I register for classes in DegreeWorks?
A: No, students are only able to register for classes in person through an advisor, through your MyBarton Portal, or, for 100% online courses, via BARTonline

Audit FAQs

Q: What is a DegreeWorks audit?
A: A DegreeWorks audit is a degree evaluation that is sectioned off into different block requirements, such as the foundation studies, emphasis requirements, and other requirements for a degree plan. Each block within the audit works like a checklist that has boxes that are automatically checked when a requirement is met.

Q: Are my grades visible in DegreeWorks?
A: Yes. Once grades have been posted at the end of the semester or term, they are displayed in DegreeWorks.

Q: Can I change my major/minor/concentration through DegreeWorks?
A: No. You should consult with your advisor or utilize the Change of Major form.

Q: How do I know what classes I need to take?
A: Your audit will outline courses needed to meet degree requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your Academic Advisor.

Q: I think my audit is incorrect. What should I do?
A: Please ask your academic advisor for assistance. The first step is to clarify what information you believe is wrong. These are the most common problems and courses of action:

Q: My major is wrong on my audit.
A: If you have not officially changed your major, contact your advisor or utilize the Change of Major form. If you have already officially changed your major, the DegreeWorks audit will only display your active degree audit. If your change is effective for a future term, the change may not reflect until that term.

Q: The requirements for my major are wrong.
A: Look at the catalog year that appears on the major requirements block of the audit. According to our records, this is the catalog that you are using to complete your major requirements. If you believe you should be using older or new requirements, contact your Academic Advisor.

Q: My transfer courses do not appear in the right place.
A: If you are concerned about a transfer course that should be applying in the audit, contact your Academic Advisor.

Q: Classes are not applying in the right place.
A: DegreeWorks uses a “best fit” approach for meeting requirements so classes may apply to different sections as you take more courses. If you have further questions, please contact your Academic Advisor.

Q: Everything on my worksheet is checked, but the degree progress bar only says that I am 97% done. What is wrong?
A: The degree progress bar will not show 100% completion until you finish all of your in- progress courses and earn passing grades in them.

Q: Do I automatically graduate if everything is checked off?
A: No. To graduate, you must submit an application for graduation and pay the graduation fee. Your academic advisor will then review your audit and forward to the Registrar’s Office which will verify all degree requirements have been met and if so, award the degree or certificate.

Q: I repeated a course, and I don’t understand how it appears on the degree audit.
A: If you repeat a course, your most recent attempt counts toward degree requirements. This will be the attempt that appears on your worksheet. After your second attempt is complete, the first attempt will be placed in a "fall through" category at the bottom of your worksheet. The courses in this area do not count toward your total hours, and they cannot be used to fulfill requirements.

Q: When should a student/advisor review a degree audit?
A: A degree audit can be reviewed at any time; however, the following are times when it might be most helpful to view your audit:

  • Before registering for an upcoming semester.
  • After you register to ensure that the courses apply to your program requirements.
  • After grades are posted for each semester.
  • Any time changes are made to your schedule or major.

Q: I've seen the @ symbol in several places on my audit. What does this mean?
A: This is a “wild card” in DegreeWorks. If the @ sign appears after a subject prefix (i.e., MATH @), it means that you can take any course with that subject prefix (any course in Mathematics).

Q: How is my degree audit different from my transcript?
A: Your degree audit is a tool to provide you with academic information related to your degree progress. It displays courses required and completed in your degree program. Your transcript is your official academic record and provides a chronological list of courses completed and other academic information. An official transcript is only available by request through the Registrar’s Office.

Q: Are the calculated GPAs guaranteed?
A: No. All GPAs are estimates only, because they do not take into account if you are repeating any courses.

Student Planner FAQs

Q: What is the Planner feature?
A: The Planner is a tool for you to arrange course requirements into future semester blocks. You and your advisor may find this helpful as you forecast your Barton academic career.

Q: Will putting courses in my planner change the way my audit looks?
A: No. Nothing entered on the Planner will affect your actual audit. You can, however, see how the courses you have entered in your planner will apply in your audit by checking the boxes next to the semester blocks that you wish to include (check all of the boxes to see how your audit will look if you complete your entire plan) and then clicking on “Run a New Audit.” In the audit on the left hand side of the screen, you will see how the planned courses applied to the various requirements.

Q: Will my plans be saved?
A: Yes. Degree Works will allow you to save all plans you create; however, only one plan may be marked as active.

Q: Will my advisor be able to see my plan(s)?
A: Yes. Your advisor can see your plan(s) and participate with you in the planning process. There is a “Notes” feature, as well, for your advisor to keep additional information. Only one plan at a time may be kept as an active plan. Your advisor will lock the plan that you expect to follow as your active plan and only your advisor can make changes.

Q: If I put a course in my planner, am I automatically registered for that course in
that future semester?
A: No. Your planner is for planning purposes only.

Q: Is the course I planned guaranteed for that future semester?
A: No. Your planner is for planning purposes only. Please see the appropriate schedule of classes for availability of courses. If you discover that a course you had planned is not being offered, please contact your advisor.

Q: Who has access to the plans I create through the Planner?
A: Your advisor, as well as Registrar Office personnel who have access to Degree Works, will be able to access your plans.

Q: Will my advisor make my plan for me?
A. No. In most cases, students will make plans and share them with their advisors. Your advisor will be a resource for you if you have questions, and you will want to ask your advisor to log in to Degree Works to review any plan you create.

Q: Who should I contact if I still have questions or disagree with the audit?
A. Please contact your academic advisor or email

Q: How does the DegreeWorks exception process work?
A: Advisors are able to request exceptions to the standard degree audit by submitting a Degree Audit Exception electronic form to the Registrar. The Registrar will review the appeal and consult with academic deans, Vice President’s Office, and advisors if applicable. Once a decision is made, the advisor will be notified by email within 10 working days and if approved, the exception will be applied to the student’s DegreeWorks audit by the Advisement Center or the Enrollment Services Office. Exceptions are granted for individual students, and will not alter the program or the official catalog requirements when requested. To change a program requirement, to include additional courses, or to change the selection of courses that may complete a requirement, consult with your academic dean. To provide for efficient processing of exceptions, please complete the DegreeWorks Exception electronic form.