October 22, 2021
Story by Joe Vinduska
Artwork by Sasha Bingaman
Barton Performing Arts faculty members and students invite the community to celebrate the creative side of the Halloween season from 2-5 p.m. Oct. 30, in the Fine Arts Building. This is a family-friendly event with various activities including games, art projects and performances that will appeal to everybody from “little ghouls” to adults. This is a free event but there will be no tickets at the door. Those wanting to attend can visit shows.bartonccc.edu to secure their tickets.
Barton Dance Instructor Danika Bielek said the department wanted to put on a festive event for the community.
“The Barton arts faculty are excited to invite the Barton Country community to this new event,” she said. “This past year has been quite a challenge, especially for the kids. “Haunting on the Hill” is a party-style event embracing the wonder and fun of the season while keeping everyone’s safety in mind. It’s going to be a blast!”
The itinerary is as follows:
Block 1 (Lower level of fine arts building)
• 2-3 p.m. - Carnival Games & Face Painting
• 2:10 p.m. - Stories from a “Mostly Good Witch”
• 2:20 p.m. - Halloween rock music by “The Riff”
• 2:45 p.m. - Spooky Dances by Barton Dance Theatre
• 2:45 -3:10 p.m. - Treasure Hunt
Block 2 (Upper-Level Fine Arts Building and Shafer Art Gallery)
• 2:50 p.m. - Stories from a “Mostly Good Witch”
• 3-4 p.m. - Fall Kids Art Project
• 3-3:10 p.m. - Spooky Dances by Barton Dance Theatre
• 3:15-3:20 p.m. - Hilltops Vocal “Thriller” Performance
• 3:20- 3:30 p.m. - “Thriller” Community Line Dance
• 3:40 -4 p.m. - Costume Contest with prizes!
Block 3 (Fine Arts Auditorium)
• 4-5 p.m. - Children’s play “Baba Yaga” by Barton Bards
The event committee recommends that unvaccinated people wear masks. For more information, contact Barton Dance Coordinator Danika Bielek at (620) 792-9253 or bielekd@bartonccc.edu.