October 20, 2021
Story by Joe Vinduska
Courtesy Photos submitted
A wide range of local artists’ work will be on display at the Shafer Gallery as part of the Barton County Arts Council Friends and Acquaintances exhibit Oct. 30 through Dec. 10. The show is underwritten by the Bill J. McKown Memorial Endowment distributed by the Golden Belt Community Foundation.
Gallery Director Dave Barnes said this exhibit is a chance to let community members showcase their talents in a professional gallery setting. The exhibit consists of 2D and 3D entries.
“Once a year the Shafer Gallery has the privilege to showcase art made by our friends, acquaintances and some folks we hardly know, as part of the Barton Arts Council Friends and Acquaintances Community Art Exhibit,” he said. “The art in this show reflects the variety and quality of artwork being produced by folks in our area. Everyone in the exhibit is a dedicated artist whether they be professional or amateur. It is wonderful that this amazing variety of artists all speak the same language. It is a language of forms and visual elements chosen to communicate ideas, memories feelings and mood. While the exhibit is not primarily a marketplace, it is certainly an opportunity to experience firsthand the work of local artists that you might want to collect. Artists need a lot of encouragement and coming out to see this exhibit will give our local group a definite boost in these often-isolated times.”
The Shafer Gallery is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is always free. For more information, contact Shafer Gallery Director Dave Barnes at barnesd@bartonccc.edu or (620) 792-9342.