Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? Are you interested in conservation and preservation? Do you enjoy sharing your love of nature with others? Wildlife science could be a career for you. Wildlife scientists research and implement strategies for the conservation, protection, and sustainable management of wild animals and their habitat. Careers include education specialists, research biologists, game wardens, park rangers, natural resource mangers, policy makers, and veterinary medicine.
Associate in Science
Wildlife Science
View the full list of Curriculum Guides (applicable for students admitted prior to Fall 2024) and Degree Maps (applicable for students admitted Fall 2024 and after).
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Barton Community College's Wildlife Science curriculum is designed to provide the general education requirement and core Wildlife Science courses for students who plan to transfer to a four year college or university to complete a bachelor's degree in Wildlife Science. Electives must meet the requirements of the transfer institution. Students should coordinate with their advisor for transfer requirements.
Visit the What Can I Do with My Major? webpage to find helpful resources on career paths, employers and more!