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Read below to learn about all of the services provided by Central Kansas Upward Bound.
Equipment Loan Program
Participants are able to borrow Laptops and Graphing Calculators to assist them with completing their homework. Students who are taking BCCC classes may borrow the textbooks for their classes.
ACT Prep
CKUB has test prep software available to participants to prepare them for the test. CKUB has fee waivers for the test, so the test is FREE to participants.
College Visits
Upward Bound has visited many college campuses since the program started. Juniors and Seniors if there is a specific campus you want to visit, let the staff know.
Cultural Experiences
Upward Bound will provide new experiences to its participants each month. Past experiences included visiting the Salina Symphony, Wichita Dinner Theatre, Kansas State Salina Pow-Wow and many others.
Summer Program
For 6 weeks in the summer participants live on Barton's campus and experience what college life is about. They take classes taught by certified secondary teachers in math, English, science, foreign language, literature and other offerings.