gathering for prairie ink reading


Students pursuing an emphasis in English have a broad array of interests in the language and written arts. These students are prepared for transfer by studying a variety of curricula that spans culture, politics, and concepts from around the world while focusing on rhetoric, literature, and creative writing.

Prairie Ink 

Prairie Ink LogoThe English department publishes Prairie Ink, a literary annual, that welcomes fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, drama, and literary criticism. Prairie Ink also accepts graphic and visual works. Submissions from the Barton community are encouraged.

Course Spotlight: World Literature

Degree Maps
Degree Maps

Associate in Arts 

View the full list of Curriculum Guides (applicable for students admitted prior to Fall 2024) and Degree Maps (applicable for students admitted Fall 2024 and after).



Check our Course Search for availability and location offered each term.

  • Composition 1
  • Composition 2
  • Business English
  • Technical and Report Writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Introduction to Literature
  • World Literature
  • American Literature 1
  • Introduction to Drama
  • Great Books Program
  • The Short Story
Students Preparing to Transfer
Students Preparing to Transfer

Barton Community College's English curriculum is designed to provide the general education requirement and core English courses for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a bachelor's degree in English or a related field. Electives must meet the requirements of the transfer institution. Students should coordinate with their advisor for transfer requirements.

Discover Career Paths
Discover Career Paths

Visit the What Can I Do with My Major? webpage to find helpful resources on career paths, employers and more!


English Faculty Introductions


Abel, Jaime                                     MA English Literature and Letters, 1991, Emporia State University
                                                        BS English Education, 1984, Emporia State University
                                                       Teaches: Composition I and II; Composition w/Review; Introduction to Literature; Foundations of Modern Education; Education                                                         Field Experience; Children's Literature

                                                       Interests: I'm looking forward to completing a Secondary Literacy Certificate because I'm interested in helping adults read more                                                         confidently.


Bailey, Paulia                                Instructor of English

                                                      Distinguished Instructor Award Recipient, 2021

                                                      MFA, University of Nebraska at Omaha
                                                      M.A., Fort Hays State University
                                                      B.A., Wichita State University
                                                      A.A., Barton Community College

                                                      Instructor Bailey is proud to have taught English Composition in all modalities at Barton Community College. She also teaches                                                          Composition I with Review and Composition II. In addition, Instructor Bailey teaches Developmental classes in the integration of                                                        Reading and Writing. Other English classes taught by Instructor Bailey include Introduction to Literature, World Literature, and                                                          Creative Writing. 

                                                      Paulina Lyn Bailey's short fiction has been appeared most recently in Issue 139 of Prime Number Magazine and has previously                                                        appeared in Stoneboat Literary Journal

                                                      She is a member of the Academic Integrity Counsel and a graduate of the 2023 Assessment Institute at Barton. She is a                                                                    member of the Academics Division and works actively within Developmental Education workgroups.

                                                      Instructor Bailey encourages students to reach out to her with any questions or concerns.

                                                      Office: C-Bldg., Rm. 118
                                                      Phone: (620) 792-9261


Heller, Sheyene                           Instructor Heller earned a BA and MA in English from Kansas State University and an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Goucher                                                        College. Her nonfiction has been published in W.W. Norton's In Brief, Brevity (three times), Nebraska Review, Clackamas                                                                  Literary  Review, River Teeth, Pennsylvania English, Wheelhouse, PIFAmerican CowboyInvisible Insurrections, and                                                                      elsewhere. She also served as a contributor to Literary Magazine Review, and she was co-editor of the first volume of the                                                                  anthology Ms. Aligned (2016). Instructor Heller first started with Barton as a tutor at the Fort Riley Tutor Center in August 2001.                                                          Over time, she began teaching BSEP and LSEC courses on base, and she then started developing online offerings in English                                                          through Barton Online.  She currently lives in Lawrence with her husband Steve and son Tru. 
